Beelzebub heard me. I felt him tense against me when I sent the message out to his mind.
Which means he branded me.
I stand in front of my closet mirror in my apartment after work on Monday, searching my whole body. Satan’s brand is big, the size of his palm, on my lower back. It looks like a ‘tramp-stamp’ but I love it. Because I know that he did it.
I haven’t felt pain like that with any of the other Sins. However, the bruise on my stomach from the first night with Belphegor is still there. The more I look at it, the more I can see that it’s not a bruise at all. It’s a circle the size of a quarter with a smaller circle connected to the bottom. He branded me. He was probably the first one to fucking do it.
Looking over the rest of my body, I find another ‘bruise’ on my inner right thigh. This one looks almost like a face. That’s probably Gluttony’s since he’s the only one so far who tries to get his face down there as often as he can.
The bruises on my neck from Mammon have faded with the exception of where his palm was in the middle of my neck. Upon closer speculation, that’s not a bruise either. A little circle with smaller connected circles inside it. He branded me in the middle of my fucking throat!
I don’t see any more marks on my body. That doesn’t mean there’s not any more though. I fucked Leviathan. There’s no way all the others put marks on me, and Envy didn’t. His sin wouldn’t let him. He’s one of the smartest beings I’ve ever met. If they’re all keeping it from me, with the exception of Wrath, then he wouldn’t put his brand where I could easily find it.
I think back to our time on his boat. When he was fucking me behind the door. His mouth stayed on my neck. Moving closer to the mirror, I inspect my entire neck and see nothing. However, after moving my hair, I find a small circle with an arrowed circle inside of it behind my left ear.
I move to my bed and lounge on it frozen. I try to look for similarities in all of my times with the Sins. Satan outright asked me if I wanted to be branded. The others didn’t do that, obviously, but at one point, all of them asked me if I was theirs or if I wanted them. That has to be the comparison. I don’t know what else it could be.
I want more information on branding, but I don’t want to ask the sins. They want to be secretive? Well, so can I.
Immediately, I sit up and reach for my laptop. The first thing I do is look up how to build mental walls. I’ve read multiple paranormal books and even attempted to write my own. I know about psychic walls. They have to be real.
Multiple sites pop up and most of them say roughly the same thing, to mentally build a wall in your mind. I sit cross-legged in the middle of my bed, as though I’m meditating. I clear my mind and focus.
Picturing it in my mind, I see all seven Sins sitting in their throne room while I stand at the door. I take a deep breath, then close the door. Slowly, careful not to lose concentration, I block the door with bricks until it’s fully covered.
I pictured all seven of them in the room. Satan is the only one who actually asked me if he could brand me, but there’s no way he didn’t know about the others. He just chose to keep it a secret, like they did.
Once I’m positive the wall is secure, I go into the living room to see Rellick sitting on the floor playing with his train while Number Blocks plays in the background.
“Hi, Mommy.” I sit down on the floor next to him and push his hair out of his face. “Wanna play with me?”
“Sure, sweet boy.” I pick up some of the wooden tracks and begin to put them together. “I love you, Rellick. So much.” He’s the only male, currently alive, that’s never betrayed me.
His little face looks up at me, all teeth on display as he smiles wide at me. “I love you, too, Mommy!” I wrap him in my arms, pulling him into my lap to give him the biggest hug.
Cuddling together is how Satan finds us a few moments later. He’s opened a portal into the living room, concern in his pitch-black eyes. He dwarfs the room around him, his wings taking up most of the space. “Why can’t I hear you?”
“I’m teaching myself how to block you out in case I ever need to keep a secret.” The way they keep secrets from me.
He moves towards us, lifting us into his lap as he sits on my small couch. “Why do you need to keep secrets, Babygirl?”
“Why does anyone keep secrets?” I mumbled my response with massive attitude, knowing he could hear me. I know he can probably feel my rage, too and I’m so mad that I’m feeling petty. I don’t want to fuel his power right now. Taking a deep breath, I clear my mind, forcing myself to calm down. With my emotions under control, I turn to face him. My hand lays against his rough cheek and he leans into me. “I think I just need some time.” His brows drop in anger. “Being around all of you all the time is overwhelming. Y’all affect my emotions. I just need to catch my breath.” I place my forehead against his, breathing in his exhales. “I just need to breathe. Please, Devil.”
He's quiet for a second before lifting his chin to give me a chaste kiss on the lips. “Whatever you need, Babygirl.” He squeezes me tight. “I’m here if you need. We all are. For whatever reason, we’re a call away.”
“Hurts!” Rellick’s voice breaks us apart, reminding me that he was in my lap. When Satan hugged me, he hugged us both. We’ve been inadvertently squishing Rellick.
“Sorry, sweet boy!” I grab his face and kiss his cheeks all over. “There. All better.”
Satan sets us on the couch and tuns to face us. “I mean it, Milady. Whenever you need me, or any of us… we’ll be here.”
His words melt my heart and I give him a watery smile. “I know,” I whisper. And I do know. I know that each of them will be there if I need. I know they care, or they wouldn’t have stuck around. I just have too much to think about.
I don’t let a tear fall until Satan’s walked back through the portal.
It’s now Friday and I don’t feel any better. I’m still pissed that they all hid their marks from me. I’m still furious that Beelzebub straight up lied to me. I’m still enraged that Satan knew and never said anything.
I haven’t seen any of them since Monday night. I haven’t spoken to Satan telepathically since then, either. I also haven’t tried to speak to any of the others again. Would they lie to me like Beelzebub?