Page 57 of Lady of Sin

No. Asmodeus and I finished building the house. You all were in charge of decorating it.

When was this discussed? I don’t remember that conversation.

I don’t remember you ever telling any of us that. However, I took care of the kitchen. It’s fully stocked with her and Rellick’s favorite foods.

You did exactly as I asked but you don’t remember the conversation? Right.

The house is completely decorated the way I’ve seen in her dreams. She’ll love it as will Rellick.

Thank you, Sloth. At least someone knows what they’re fucking doing around here.

We can still hear you, Dickbag.

You were meant to, Shitface.

Fucking prick.

Now that we can all feed off each other, Satan has made it his mission to piss us the fuck off. It’s become a fun little challenge for him, while the rest of us just want to beat the shit out of him. Sloth seems to be the only one unaffected by him.

Then again, he’s Sloth. He has no emotion unless Bree or Rellick are around.

Speaking of Bree, she’s currently walking into the dining room, taking her seat next to Rellick. Two souls follow behind her, pushing carts with covered plates on them. One by one, they set our food in front of us, serving Rellick and Bree first.

The cover is lifted off my plate and immediately my mouth begins to water. A healthy portion of noodles doused in parmesan cheese, creamy sauce, seasonings and blackened grilled shrimp sit before me, with garlic knots surrounding the edges. Looking around, it’s easy to see that my portion is the biggest. She knows me so well. All of our plates look the same, except for Rellick. “Why does Rellick get friend shrimp and fries?”

Bree had previously picked up her fork but at my words, she puts it back down and turns to face me. “Rellick doesn’t eat noodles. He finds them hard to swallow. Did you want the same? I can take your plate and I’m sure your brothers would share your portion between them.”

I push her hand away as she makes for my plate. “No!” My voice is loud and aggressive, so much so that for a moment I thought Satan said it. Clearing my throat, I start again. “No. That won’t be necessary.” I pick up my own fork, and take a giant bite, making sure I have a shrimp on my utensil. “Fuck! So good!” I dig in, not caring about everyone else anymore.

When the noodles and shrimp are gone, I use the bread to wipe up all the sauce left on the plate. I am the first one finished, as usual, but now I get to feed off my bonded brothers as they salivate over the dish as well.

We make small talk around the table, Rellick telling us stories of his time with the mermaid; all of us waiting for Bree and Rellick to finish eating. “Don’t you want more, Sweetie?”

“Not today.” I’m too excited to show her the house.

Bree’s mouth drops into a pouty frown. “Did you not like it?” Her voice is low, insecurities clear in her tone.

“What?” Her eyes drop to her lap, and I put my hand under her chin, lifting her eyes to meet mine. “Of course I liked it, Honey! You watched me practically lick the plate clean.” Her lips twitch in a smile, letting me know I alleviated her worry. “There’s just something I want to show you.” Lucifer clears his throat across the table. “Something we want to show you.”

I lift Rellick from his booster, placing him on my shoulders, and walk towards the exit. Satan walks beside me, Bree wrapped around him like a tree with her head in his neck so that she can’t see anything. He even has a hand in her hair, holding her head in place.

Once we’ve walked the few minutes it takes to get to the house, Wrath puts her down and covers her eyes. His huge hand covers most of her face. “Ta-da!”

Bree looks at the black Victorian-esque home with awe. “What is this?” She turns to face all of us, her eyes watery.

Lucifer pushes past her, holding his hand on the symbol on the door. “Deduc me ad infernum.” He pushes open the door, leading us all inside.

Bree spins in wonder. “Oh, my God! It’s everything I’ve ever imagined.” The main area has a large sectional with matching black recliners. A fireplace across from the sectional holds a wide screen television. She may not like Hell’s forms of entertainment, though.

The room is wide open to see a small office space for her to work. A wall separates the dining area where a big round table that will fit all of us sits. To the right of the dining area is the kitchen, equipped with the best stove and a ginormous fridge. I also remember her saying something about a pantry being a necessity, so I made sure the house had one of those too. In between the walls of the living room and kitchen are stairs, going up and down. Opposite of the stairs is a bathroom with only a toilet.

Upstairs, Rellick’s room is a big open space filled with toys and a playset. No kid really needs a king-sized bed, but the kid deserves the best. This room is a child’s dream. Rellick will probably never want to leave. As it is, he’s already pulling my hair, begging to be let down so that he can play.

Lucifer shoos us off, knowing that we all want to show her the room we made for her. Below the main floor is Bree’s room. Against the wall sits an Alaskan king bed. Big enough to fit her and at least four of us at a time. Not all of us will always want to sleep together when only a few of us can touch her at a time. We also can’t leave the tower to its own devices. We are in Hell, after all.

Belphegor brings her attention to a hot tub in the corner of the room. Everything in the house is large enough for two of us to be able to do something with her. It caters to her being with more than one of us at all times, which was her wish. “The room is soundproof so Rellick will not overhear anything.” He grabs a tablet off the nightstand next to the bed, showing her a live feed of Rellick in his room.

“Thank you so much for doing this for me! I wish I could stay here all the time.” Bree gives us hugs one-by-one.