Page 61 of Lady of Sin

I can feel my eyes begin to water and I refuse to let the tears fall. I need to be strong for Rellick and I need to be strong for myself. Rellick can’t know that this conversation is affecting me.

My shoulders slump and I look around for an escape. There’s no way out of this conversation without it seeming like I’m running away, which is what I want to do. I open my mouth to respond but the voice that comes out isn’t mine.

“The fuck did you just say?” The deep baritone is menacing. Quiet. Deadly. I turn around to see a giant man with pink hued skin and strawberry blonde hair in a topknot on his head. His beard is a darker shade, looking almost magenta. His eyes are pink and otherworldly. “Did I just hear you call my girl a whore?”

He walks around the buggy, placing himself behind me. His arms wrap around my waist, and he pulls me against him, my back flush against his chest. The heat of him sinks into my skin and I melt against him.

I may not have recognized his voice or his human form, but I would know Lust’s touch anywhere.

34. Asmodeus

I tried to stay away from Bree. Truly, I did. But Satan is my best friend, and she didn’t want to be around him. That means something is wrong. Satan hasn’t told the others, but he told me that Bree knows she’s branded by him. I know they’re having their little secret conversations.

I’m not afraid to admit how jealous I am of their relationship. How much I crave not just her body but her affection. The love and admiration she shows the rest of my brothers is potent and I want to be a part of it.

Bree told Wrath that she just needed a few days to herself, and I’ve given her five. I wasn’t even going to show myself to her. This may be breaching stalking territory, but I just wanted to make sure she and the kid were ok.

Apparently, I was right to stalk.

Placing myself in their conversation, I wrap my arms around Bree and block the dickbag’s view of Rellick. I watched the entire interaction with disgust, and it only got worse when the blonde bitch showed up.

Fuck these people.

Neither of them has answered my question. They probably think it was rhetorical. “You had no problem calling her names before I showed up.” Bree relaxes into my arms, and I squeeze her tighter against me. “Go ahead. Say what you need to say.”

Both of them are aroused, though for different reasons. The plastic woman is staring at me in admiration while the male next to her is completely focused on my girl. For once the smell of arousal does nothing for me. It stinks like a sewer, and I want nothing to do with either of them. While my power allows me to feed on orgasms and the essence of climax, I also have the power to turn arousal into pain. It’s part of the reason that Satan and I get on so well. Pain with pleasure, love with rage, two halves of a coin; that’s my brother and me.

Most of Hell doesn’t realize how dangerous I can be, and I like it that way. Right now, however? These fools need to recognize that they are nothing compared to Brianna.

Pictures of their deepest and darkest desires flit through my mind like a slideshow, growing my irritability. The female in multiple different sexual positions with me while Bree watches in horror from the corner of the room catches my attention at the same time a picture of Bree pregnant on her back with that piece of shit above her fills my mind.

I’m going to murder both of these humans.

Bree’s small hands pets my arm as she steps back further into me. The movement pulls my attention from the two across from us and it’s exactly what I needed.

My smile is flirtatious towards them both, covering the fact that I’m currently switching their desires. I shove the images of their dreams into each other’s minds.

Immediately, both of them freeze where they stand, horrified with each other. The female begins to cry while the male’s face turns red with rage. “Who the fuck are you?”

I sweep Bree’s hair away from her neck, placing my lips there for a brief kiss before turning my attention back to them. “I’m hers.”

The two pathetic humans stand in the middle of the aisle, horrified at the two of us. With each image I force into their minds, their emotions grow more dire. Now that is fucking intoxicating.

“I suggest you walk away now.” My command is light and flirty, though there is no mistaking the underlying threat in my voice. “You seem like you have a lot to talk about.”

Without bothering to wait for them, I turn Bree around to face the shopping cart, keeping her trapped between my arms. I help her push the basket towards the front of the store. “I haven’t grabbed everything I need.” Her voice is monotone. No emotion at all. It’s terrifying.

“Let’s just get out of here.” I leave the basket by the door, lifting Rellick onto my hip and taking Bree’s hand in mine. Her fingers are loose against mine while I drag her to the car. She stays still like a zombie while I put Rellick in his car seat. “You alright, little man?”

He nods his head, giving me a thumbs up. I close his door and open the passenger side door, gently placing Bree in the car and buckling her in. I understand those two fuck nuggets were bullying her, but to be in an almost catatonic state? To be so in her head that she’s tuned out everything around her? Who the fuck are those people?!

I squish myself into her tiny car only for there to be no keys. “Love? I need the keys.” Robotically, she hands me the keys from her pocket, and I turn on the car. “What’s going on, Love?”

She doesn’t answer and I’m running out of ideas. “Fuzzy?” I look in the rearview mirror at Rellick, smiling as I remember how Satan called me a ‘fuzzy puppy’ in front of Rellick and now he thinks it is my name. “Is Mommy ok?” His little voice sounds just as concerned as me.

If Brianna is anything, it’s a fantastic mother. Her number one focus is always Rellick. Hearing his concerned voice should have snapped her out of it. “You’re scaring Rellick, Love.” At her son’s name, she shakes her head, her focus turning to her son.

She spins in the front seat, giving the kid all her attention. “Mommy’s ok, sweet boy.” Her voice is wobbly and not at all convincing. “Those were just some of my old friends. I haven’t seen them in a while.” Her smile is forced but it’s enough for Rellick.