Page 53 of Lady of Sin

Mera chokes slightly on her glass of wine before clearing her throat. “Did you jump into his bed?”

I sigh wistfully. We went to his room where we just talked. He apologized and gave me more of a history lesson and he listened to me. He listened to what I had to say about my own family. It wasn’t a ‘spicy’ night, but it was very memorable. “No. I didn’t.” Josie nods her head like she’s proud of me while Mera does the opposite. She told me yesterday she hates being a succubus. Why is she upset I didn’t fuck Levi? “But we have a date tonight. A redo of our disastrous first. We’ll see how it goes.”

Mera sits up straight, a gleam in her eyes. “Did he say where he was taking you?”

I shake my head in response. “No, but we’re taking Rellick with us.” Leaning forward in my recliner, I set my sights on both of them. “How was your night? I noticed that you rode with Josie this morning.”

Both of their cheeks turn pink. “We had a great night. Just danced and talked all night.” Mera bites her lip as she continues. “You left with the VIP, so Josie was kind enough to offer her home to me.”

Uh-huh. Because I wasn’t home. Righhhht. “Any specific place in the home?” Josie turns her head towards the window, a shy smile on her lips. “Like her bedroom, perhaps?”

“Have you decided what you’re wearing tonight?” I allow Mera’s change of subject because I can tell I’m putting them on the spot.

Shaking my head, I hold out my hand before the succubus can continue. “He said not to dress up. I don’t think we’re going out like we did last time.”

“But you don’t know for sure, right?” Mera is seriously making me rethink this whole thing. “Did you at least kiss or anything yesterday?”

I shake my head and contemplate everything that’s happened between Levi and I. We had a horrible first date. Last night started as another shit-show. It ended great and maybe if we’d had more time alone before Lucifer called that stupid competition, then things could have happened. Do I even want anything to happen?

“I want to see how this date goes. If it’s horrible again, then I’ll be glad that I didn’t do anything. And if it’s good then something will happen. I don’t want to force or rush anything.”

A knock on the door stops any and all possible conversation. “Is that Nikki?” Mera asks as I walk to the door. Looking through the peephole, it’s not Nik I see.

Levi stands on the other side of the door, a giant bouquet of hot pink roses in his hands. “Levi?”

“Last night you told me your mother’s favorite flowers were Barbie pink roses, but you didn’t care for flowers because they made you sick.” He holds the roses out to me. “I found Barbie pink roses that will never die, and you will never get sick. A little piece of your mother to keep.”

Oh, my God! This has to be the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever given me that wasn’t prompted. Mammon gave me my necklace after literally fighting me for it, but I feel as though this is completely different. My heart melts a little at the thought that he was actually listening to me last night. “Thank you so much.” My voice cracks as I hug the bouquet to my chest.

I have half a mind to drop the roses and hug him instead.

“Is it Nikki?” Mera asks, coming behind me to look outside. “Oh. It’s Envy.” Her eyes widened for a second, darting back and forth between the two of us. “Wait! Was this the VIP last night?” She softly punches me in the shoulder. “Get it girl!” She whispers loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Daemera.” Levi nods in her direction before stepping into the apartment. He takes in the space before his eyes land on Josie. “Jophiel?” He says her name in surprise. They seem to have a silent conversation with their eyes.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m in the vicinity of his sin or what, but I don’t care for the interaction. “Hello, Levi. How are you?”

“I’m well. You?” Are they seriously having a conversation in my living room like old friends? Why does he know her?

I didn’t realize how close I was to Levi until my chest rubbed against his arm. “You know each other?”

Levi’s eyes turn completely black for a second before returning to his normal bright green. “You could say we work in the same circuit.” What does that mean?

I start to gravitate towards him, or maybe he shifts closer to me. Either way, his arm is now around my back. “Like at the club?” If they are former anything, then I pale in comparison. She’s tan where I’m pale. She’s tall and thin whereas I’m short and thick. She’s beautiful with her rainbow hair and golden eyes. Does that mean he’s just with me for the bet?

Leviathan grabs my face, making sure I am only looking at him. “Stop. It’s nothing like that.” How did he know? “I can hear envious thoughts. Jophiel and I have never been anything. I would never touch an angel.”

My shoulders drop in relief. They’ve never been anything to each other. I really like Levi. We had an amazing talk yesterday. More than I’ve talked with any of the other Sins at least. He would never touch her, he said.

Wait… He said he would never touch an angel… I look back at Jophiel. Her rainbow hair and tan skin. Her golden eyes. Her height is extremely tall for a woman but not as tall as the Sins. How did I never put two and two together? The way her eyes flashed when she touched Mera was definitely a supernatural sign and I thought nothing of it.

My words are whispered so low I doubt a regular human could hear them. “You’re an angel?”

Josie’s eyes drop in guilt and it’s all the confirmation I need.

31. Leviathan

I wasn’t meant to out Jophiel. The moment I noticed her, a million questions passed through my head that absolutely needed answers, but her eyes asked me to be quiet.