“What? Why? So, you can chase me?” I take him in, large black and red bat wings behind him. “You'll catch me in less than a second.”
“Fine. Let's make it even.” He transforms into a human.
Oh my God! He's large and built with a pink hue to his tattooed skin, wearing only a black and red tartan kilt. His lips are full and there are wrinkles around his eyes. His bright red hair is pulled back in a ponytail, showing the silver-black hair shaved in a fade on the sides. He has a large full silver beard and mustache. He's honestly the sexiest Santa I've ever seen. “Bet you're thinking of calling me ‘Daddy’ now.”
Fucking smug bastard. I shake my head because I know my voice will crack with the lie. He still towers over me, and I feel tiny in front of him. I feel small around all the Sins, something I’ve never felt before in my life.
Resting his hands on his knees, he leans down until we're eye to eye. “You have ten seconds.” He licks his lips, showing me that while his body may look human, he kept the fangs. “Run.”
Immediately, I take off to the forest terrain, thinking I can hide in the trees; however, the moment I get under the trees, the barrier closes over us, and the field turns dark.
I fucked up. I am not a runner. I can't see much of anything in front of me. And I'm already breathing so hard that I can't hear anything over my own breath.
Running to a random tree, I hide behind it trying to catch my breath. Are the ten seconds up? Damn, I'm out of shape. I need to do more cardio.
With my breath caught, I listen to the silence. There's no noise. No animals, no birds, nothing. This is creepy as all Hell. I chuckle to myself at my own little joke, but the noise reverberates across the forest, probably giving away my position. Trying to be quiet, I step around the tree to move to another.
I’m looking behind me, so I don’t see the giant chest that I run into. “Boo.” I scream at the top of my lungs, not because I’m scared of Wrath but because he caught me off guard. I turn to run in the opposite direction, only to be picked up and thrown against the same tree I was hiding behind. Wrath crowds me, caging me in against the tree. “Where are you going, Baby girl?”
“It took less than a minute for you to catch me,” I pout.
“Put that lip back.” He takes my bottom lip in his mouth, biting down. “Do you want another chance? You still won't get far.” He moves back when I nod. I want to be caught but, it’s become a competition now. “Another ten seconds starting…. now.”
I take off straight, trying to get to a new terrain; his voice counting down behind me. From his seat above the barrier, the arena looked like a regular stadium. How are the terrains so large?! I push my legs faster when I hear Satan’s laugh. It echoes across the forested area surrounding me. Up ahead, I can see the meadow, flowers of all colors blossoming on the ground. If I can make it there, I’ll be able to see the stone ground in the center of the arena. I can switch terrains.
Just as I cross onto the soft grass of the clearing, Wrath tackles me from behind, landing on top of me in the dirt. I try to fight him off me, determined to win this game, but Devil is so much bigger and stronger than me. He easily grabs my wrists, holding them behind my back in one hand. “Time for your punishment, Brianna.”
His voice is deep and dominant. I should not be attracted to this at all but damn if my panties aren’t fucking soaked. With his other hand, he bands his arm under my waist and lifts me onto my knees, using his legs to keep mine spread. He lifts my dress, putting my ass on display. “Well, these are useless. Look how fucking soaked you are.”
I try to push myself forward, still fighting even if it’s only half-hearted. Do I actually want to get away?... No. I don’t think I do but I’m having fun playing the victim.
He rips my panties off and a big meaty hand smacks my left cheek, covering almost the entire span. I scream into the dirt. “What the fuck?!”
“First, you tease me.” Smack! “Then, you roll your eyes at me.” Smack! “And you talk back to me. Little miss attitude.” Smack, smack, SMACK!
Each slap to my ass gets harder to bear. I scream and attempt to wiggle away with each one. “Stay still!” His harsh voice makes me freeze. “Baby girls who listen get rewards.” Satan rubs the sore spot on my cheek, his thumb casually rubbing against my pussy, turning the pain into pleasure. My screams turn to moans with each swipe against my clit. “You hear how wet you are, Baby girl?” Holy Fuck! I may not call him ‘Daddy’ out loud, but I’ll definitely be calling him that in my head.
All he’s doing is teasing me. “Just fuck me already,” I moan into the dirt.
“You want me to fuck you in the dirt, pretty girl?”
My voice is a high-pitched whine. “Yes!”
Satan retreats, removing his hand from my clit. “Ask me nicely.”
Fucking bastard! “Pleeeeease!”
“Please what, Sin?”
I’m being left on the edge and I’m starting to get pissed. “Please stop being a dick and fuck me.”
Smack! I scream into the ground again, caught between the pain and pleasure. “Try again, Brat.”
“Please, fuck me. Please! I’ll stop with the attitude. Just please!”
Satan shoves himself inside me, the fabric of his kilt settling against my back. “Good girl.” He’s so big, stretching and filling me. He keeps a steady pace, not fast or slow, but each thrust is more powerful than the last. “You like the pain, don’t you, Baby girl?”
I moan in agreement. “Please,” is the only word my brain knows right now. Feels so good.