Lucifer scoffs and then looks up at me. “Am I fucking hungry? Are you serious right now?” I don’t move a muscle, hoping he comes to his own conclusion. It takes forty-three seconds. “What time is it?” He grabs his tablet, checking the time. “Shit!” Pride flies, literally, past me towards the dining room and I follow behind.
He takes his seat between Levi and I, saying nothing to Brianna. She stares at him in contempt for a moment before breathing deep and giving me a small smile.
Her attention turns to Gluttony. “Now you can eat.”
We all dig in, and groan at the same time. “Fuckkkkkk. This is so good, Honey.” Beel is shoveling food into his mouth. All of us, even Luc, give her sounds of agreement.
“Seriously, Treasure. This is fucking delicious.” Mammon kissing ass is a sight to behold. His smile is genuine and pure. There’s no maliciousness or mischief. It’s… different.
I take in Brianna, her face flushed from the compliments. Bruises dot her neck, Mammon’s brand in the middle, though it looks like a matching bruise, right now. She eats happily, looking at one of us after every bite.
No one talks as we eat. Normally, this dining room is full of sounds and conversations. All of us are too enamored by Bree’s cooking to speak. Beelzebub is the first to finish, no surprise there. “Did you have more, Honey?”
Her laugh is infectious. “Yes, in the kitchen.” Gluttony takes his plate and leaves, heading towards the kitchen. Brianna still has food on her plate, but she pushes it away. “So. Where are we with the sin thing?”
Lucifer finishes chewing, using a handkerchief to wipe his mouth. His tablet appears on the table, and he unlocks it, looking for the information. He stills, looking around at all of us before stopping on Mammon. “Who was she with? Only you?”
“What’s going on?” Bree’s emotions start to go all over the place again.
“You’ve been cleansed. Again. The only sin you currently have is lust.” Pride’s voice is monotone as he tries to hide his wrath. I may not be able to feed off his sins, but I can still feel the emotions.
Bree places her elbows on the table and raises her hands to her eyes, rubbing them. She’s absolutely defeated. “I was with a new friend before he found me, but it can’t be her because I just met her yesterday.” She sits back, talking directly to Lucifer. “We went to the park, but I talked to…” a quick look to Mammon, then back. “I only talked to children.”
I need her emotions to change. Her voice grows more lifeless with every word. I don’t like her like this. “It doesn’t matter” I tell her. “We can just get you to commit more, until we learn who is doing it. Someone may need to stay with you at all times.”
A smirk touches her lips, there for only a second. “Are you offering?”
And now. To piss her off. “No. I only leave Hell on two occasions. Halloween and Christmas.”
She scoffs and a flicker of wrath fills her, and me. “You don’t have to lie. Just say you don’t want to be with me.”
“I don’t lie.” She rolls her eyes. I told myself that the next person to roll their eyes at me would lose them. Can’t do that to her… But I can punish the fuck out of her. “Why would I lie when the truth gets me what I want more often than not?”
A little more rage flows through her, overtaking her other emotions. “I can understand Halloween. But Christmas?”
“Duh, Mommy. He’s Santa.” I love that kid. Rellick looks at his mom with nothing but attitude. Here we go.
Brianna’s at war with herself. Does she correct him on who I am? Does she discipline him for talking to her that way? Does she crush his hopes that Santa is real?
I take away the opportunity from her. “That’s right, kid.” A cheesy smile graces Rellick’s mouth while my Lady’s flattens into a frown and her eyes narrow. “But kids who speak to their parents that way, get taken off the nice list.”
The kid’s eyes grow wide, and his mouth opens in an ‘o’. “I’m sorry, Mommy!”
She nods her head in response to him; however, when she opens her mouth to speak, I cut her off. “I get letters from children, too. Normally younger ones who can’t spell.” With every word, her wrath swelled in her chest and the wink I just directed at her has her clenching her fists tight. “I bring them the gifts they ask for.” Again she tries to speak and I don’t allow it. “And obviously, I like Halloween. Teenagers are ruthless during Halloween which sets off adults, and many humans dress like me. Feels like worship.”
Every attempt she makes to get a word in, I speak over her. I’m waiting for the moment when she blows. I can feel it coming. Her skin is beginning to turn red from the heat of her rage, the flush starting at the tips of her ears and ending under the neckline of her dress into her generous cleavage. Just a few more words…
My mouth is barely open to talk again when she slams her hand on the table. “God dammit! Let me speak! It’s me who has to commit the sins! Can’t you just shut your fucking mouth for five seconds? Jesus!”
“And… there’s two,” Lucifer mumbles. I sit back in my chair, letting her wrath fuel my power reserve. Damn! That’s addictive!
She looks between aggravated Lucifer and my blissed-out face that I know is giving off the smuggest smile. “You did it on purpose you arrogant jackass!”
“Of course, I did, baby girl. Genuine reactions are always the best.” Her hands grind into fists and a low growl leaves her throat. If anything, she seems more pissed knowing that I intended to make her mad. Nothing better than continuing the process. “Want to blow off some steam, Milady?” I know what I have in mind for that, and she did say ‘next time’.
Mammon, Belphegor, and Beelzebub all look to each other, seeming to have a conversation with their eyes. That doesn’t happen. Ever. What are they up to?
Of the three, Gluttony is the easiest to crack so I focus on him. He can feel my focus on him, so he immediately changes the subject. “Hey, Rellick! Why don’t we see if we can find some ice cream? Or candy! If your mom’s okay with that?”