“Come on, so I can turn the shower on.” He kept her in his arms as they ambled their way inside the house and to the bathroom. He kept her in his arms as he waited for the water to heat. Candi was spent as she barely moved a muscle. His dick was still lodged inside of her and almost woke back up when her pussy muscles contracted. He sat her on the bench in the shower to clean the both of them. Once they were cleaned, he held his hands out to carry her to the bed.

After a short minute longer in the bathroom, Jay stood on the side of the shower with his arms out. “Come here. Let me carry you to the bed.”

Candi was exhausted in the best ways possible. Her heart felt full and her pussy felt satisfied. Tucking her face into the crook of his neck, she straddled him, loving the way his hands cuffed her ass for support.

“You did so good, baby. I’m so proud of you.” His voice came out in a low hum.

“I take it my food was on point, ain't it?” Big Pete sat across from Jay on the front porch. He had stopped by because he wanted to see his son.

Sitting with his legs stretched out, Jay nodded as smoke eased out of his nose. “It was on point, I can’t lie. I be missing your cooking when I’m out there. Ma can cook but—”

“I be throwing down.” Big Pete’s hearty laugh based. “I tried to teach Jolene’s fine self but she didn’t want to be tied down in no kitchen.”

“Still don’t,” Jay scoffed. “Ma still be running the streets. Need to sit down somewhere.”

“Shit, I need to go see my first love.” Big Pete’s eyes veered off into the distance.

He and Jolene had a cat-and-mouse type of relationship. He chased her over and over again until he realized she didn’t want to be tied down. At least not with him. After he’d knocked her up, Big Pete just knew that was the solution to access to her heart. That was his first infraction of love.

Jolene didn’t care about her belly growing; she still hit her son’s father with the runaround. She had love for Big Pete but it wasn’t enough to make her choose him. Instead, she allowed him to co-parent with her. That was the closest thing to having healthy parents she could give her son.

Jay’s chin plunged in agreement. “You know Ma be acting like she ain’t lonely, but she loves when you bring your ass to the city.”

“Oh, you know I know.” Amusement laced Big Pete’s voice.

“Watch out, man.” Jay held his laughter. His father was a character just like his mama.

It was one of the reasons they always seemed to be two ships passing by—they were alike. They were content with always looking for love because love was fluid for them. Jolene and Big Pete had enough love to spread across the world, which never left them feeling empty when someone broke their hearts. It was why Nard was only seventeen months younger than Jay. It was why they could go for twins.

Big Pete kept his eyes on the lawn. “Son, I love what you done out here. Your folks would be so proud. I loved me some Ms. Jules.” He commented on Jay’s grandmother on his mama’s side.

Jay agreed. He loved his granny and missed her every day. The way he yearned for her touch and wise words was one of the reasons he went back to Bama when he did. She had been buried on the property, and every time he was there, he swore he could still feel her or hear her humming a church hymn on the porch.

The creaking of the floors pulled their attention to the iron storm door. Candi stood there with wide eyes and skin that glowed. In a pair of Jay’s underwear and a long T-shirt, she smiled, nervously.

“Bring your ass out here.” The inflection in his voice let her know he was smoking.

From the door, she could only see Big Pete. Easing out, Candi waved at Big Pete. “I’m—”

“I know who you are, Candi. I’m his father. Call me Big Pete.” He extended his large, plump hand out to her. It was rough and calloused, telling of his work in the factory.

Accepting his hand, Candi pushed out a smile. “The food last night was good. Thank you for that.”

“Ain’t no thang, baby girl.”

“Why you over there?” Jay asked, smushing the end of his blunt into a crystal ashtray. “You know where I like you.”

Candi’s eyes shot over to Big Pete, who had a joyous look on his face.

“Don’t look at him. He knows what it is. I want you right here, Magic.” Jay patted his thighs. When Candi was around, he wanted her as close to him as possible. He didn’t care if they were in church. “You slept good?” he asked once she’d taken her rightful place on his lap.

“Jayshun.” Her skin heated when his face pushed into the crook of her neck.

Big Pete laughed. “Don’t worry about me, Miss Magic. Who you think made that boy a hopeless romantic?”

Deciding to just let Jay have his way with her, Candi relaxed her limbs. “You a hopeless romantic, Jayshun?”

“Hell yea, you can’t tell? I fell in love with you the first night I saw you. You had that pout on your face, smelled like strawberries and your body was top-tier. That first day, my heart started dancing.” Jay never missed a beat when he expressed his instant connection with Candi.