“I barely know you.” She was being mean.

Willing to do anything to get her to understand, Jay yanked her hand to his chest. “You fuckin’ know me, Magic.”

“It’s been what?” Her finger tapped her chin. “Maybe two weeks.”

“Stop playing with me.”

“Oh, y’all back early. I’m still setting up the rooftop dinner.” Meechie’s bubbly ass walked in, high and unaware.

“Give us a minute, Meech.” Jay ran his tongue across his top teeth. Candi was testing him and he was ready to blow a gasket.

Finally feeling the heat in the room, Meechie backed out of the living room like SpongeBob. Had Jay not been annoyed with Candi, he would’ve laughed.

Pointing his finger against her big ass forehead, Jay mushed her. “Stop playing with me. When it comes to my heart, I would tread lightly, baby.”

“Boy, fuck you! And don’t touch me again before I break your hand. I’m sure you need it to hold your bastard ass baby.” Her words were venomous.

Unamused, he chuckled. “That shit would’ve cut if that was my baby. I’m telling you it’s not mine. I’m willing to bet every dime in my account, and baby, there’s a lot of it in there.”

“It sounds good but I need proof. Then you still ’round here, letting the world think you still love that other bitch! What am I supposed to do about all of this?” Her hands waved in the air as she poured out her heart. “Tell me how I navigate this shit, Jayshun. I want to trust you. I want to lo… It doesn’t matter. Nothing in life is for me.” She whispered the last part.

“Trust me as your man. That’s what you do.”

“You’re not mine and I want something that belongs to me.” The dam had finally broken. Her legs gave out as she sat on the floor, bubbling with sorrow. “I just want something to have. I didn’t anticipate you being something just for me. And saying it out loud sounds childish and selfish but it’s what I want.”

“Okay, I can give you that.” Jay got down on the floor with her. If she wanted to be healed, he wanted to heal her.

Aggressively, Candi shook her head. “No! No, Jayshun, you deserve so much better than me. I’m broken.” Jumping up, she decided it was time for her to leave. That and she needed to get away from him. Being so close to something you want and can’t have is like asking a crackhead to become the plug. It was impossible and emotional suicide.

As she went to walk out of the house, Jay’s hands were on her and her back was against the wall. It all happened so fast. “Please, just let me go,” Candi pleaded, tears coating her beautiful brown skin.

Jay kissed her, taking her breath away. “I can’t let you go… say you’ll stay. Tell me you won’t walk away and break my heart. The first time was only a paper cut. If you leave, this time I won’t recover. Tell me you’ll stay, baby.” He didn’t recognize his voice. It was filled with fear and laced with love. She thought she was the only one fearful of never finding love but she wasn’t.

“I can’t.” She moaned as his hands found her plump ass. Cuffing it just the way she liked, she knew she was going to lose the battle. “Jayshun, just let me go, please!”

“I told you, I can’t do that. You want something? I’m yours to have and you’ll be mine to love. I will love you so good. Tell me I can love you, baby.”

Her walls started to shake as he spoke, looking her in the eyes. “I can’t handle you having kids with someone else, Jayshun. Don’t make me, please.”

Smoothing his hand down her face, Jay assured her he wouldn’t give another woman a baby. He was set on only reproducing with someone he could spend the rest of his life with. In the depths of his being, he knew Candi was the one for him. There was no doubt or question about it. All Jay needed to do was convince Candi she was worthy of all the love he had to give.

“Trust me until I show you, you can’t. Give me that. Keep my heart dancing, baby.”

Nodding, Candi conceded. “But if you hurt me.”

“I won’t.”

“And you won’t switch up on me no matter what?” Candi needed to add the clause because there was still so much about her he didn’t know.

With his lips on hers, that was the signing of the contract to never switch up on her. Taking her breath, then giving it back, Jay’s smile touched his ears. “Now, I have something to show you.”

“It better not be a damn baby or baby mama.” Candi rolled her almond eyes, which were crimson red.

Jay locked his hand with hers and walked her upstairs to his room. Inside, he guided her to the window that led out to a balcony. On the balcony, there was a set of stairs leading to the roof. As they rounded the corner, Meechie was putting the finishing touches on the rooftop dinner he asked her to set up for them.

A sigh of relief escaped Meechie. “Y’all had me worried for a second. I’m done and will be getting out of your hair but before I go, red or blue?” She held out a gold plate that held one blue gummy and one red gummy. “These are my sex on the roof collection of gummies.”

“Um, what they do?” Candi looked at her skeptically.