“You high, Magic. Let me wash you up and get you in the bed.”

“I am high. I feel so good. Better than I’ve ever felt in my life but it ain't got shit to do with that bomb-ass edible Meechie gave me.” Candi giggled. “It’s you, Jayshun. You make me feel something I can’t even describe. Being high only gives me the courage to say it but it's real. I’m gonna give you the best years of your life.” She sang more song lyrics before a fit of giggles attacked her again.

Starting the shower, Jay allowed it to warm up before he started removing her clothes. “I fucks with it.”

“Fuck me.” Her demand was seductive and went straight to his dick.

“Not tonight. I want you fully aware when I fuck you so good—this dick gon’ touch your heart.”

“Jayshun,” Candi moaned when he slipped her thong off. “Please.” Her breathing was staggered and her skin tightened, needing his touch on her.

Her begging had him wanting to throw all his reservations out the window but he meant it when he said he wanted her fully aware of the dick he gave her when he finally gave it to her. That and she needed to sit with the shit she’d just revealed to him. If what she felt was real, and what he felt was true, he knew she was going to be the last woman on earth to experience his dick. Silencing her with a kiss, he directed her under the water where he bathed her before putting her in the bed. It took no time for her light snores to fill the room.

Like a creep, he watched her, snapping a few pictures. These moments he wanted to experience over and over again. The pictures would be for her when he showed her just how angelic she was.


Tip-toeing through the room, Candi tried to be as quiet as she could. She didn’t want to wake Jay since he seemed to be sleeping well. Her body must’ve had its alarm since she tended to wake up at the same time each morning. That and she heard faint music. It was neo-soul and soothing—nothing she was used to listening to. It sounded like the music was coming from outside, so she was going to investigate.

It didn’t matter how much Jay spent on remolding the home, its old bones still creaked. The sunlight that shined through the windows kissed her skin and added joy to her step.

Candi pushed the sliding back door open and the sound of music became more clear.

There will be no crying.

The unknown songstress sang, pulling her further and further into the gardens. Candi had never heard the song but it spoke to her soul.

The backyard was immaculate. Sculpted plants and colorful flowers were strategically positioned around the concrete walkway. She ran her hands over a bush of flowers with her eyes closed.

The music was still in the distance but clear as day. Candi’s eyes connected to a lush patch of grass nestled between two rose bushes. The sun seemed to guide her to that spot. Making her way to the area, she lay down in the grass and allowed the sun to drink her in. The music was still going and adding to a peaceful moment.

In nothing but one of Jay’s shirts that came below her ass, she didn’t care about bugs crawling up her legs. Something led her to the backyard and Candi never wanted to leave. Her life had never been so serene or quiet. Inhaling the fresh greenery and hot air, she allowed her tears to fall.

There will be no crying. The song continued as if it were talking to her directly. She knew the song was saying to not cry but her body needed to cleanse itself. There will be no fighting. Candi’s stomach shook from her emotions. She kept her eyes closed but the tears still seemed to break the wall her lids had built. ’Cause I can’t give in.

Like she was making an angel in the snow, Candi spread her arms and legs. If a plane flew over her, they’d witness a woman shedding all the things that broke her. She’d been carrying around years’ worth of men, drugs, and sex. In Jay’s garden, probably fertilized by the blood of his ancestors in shackles, she freed herself.

The warmth of a body hugged hers. Weed and fruit mixed in her nose. A woman’s voice pulled even more from her already shedding body. “Know that you are loved. Even if you don’t love yourself,” Meechie sang with the music in the distance. She had been out in the greenhouse, tending to the marijuana plants when she saw Candi on the camera system. She was going to mind her business until she saw her lay in the grass. Her senses told her to go to her.

With love, Meechie hugged Candi’s shaking body.

“I feel stupid.” Candi finally spoke once the song started to fade out. “Like, how dumb do I look? You don’t even know me and I’m dumping my emotions on you.”

“Girl, please. I live for shit like this. I’m an empath so I already felt you when I hugged you last night.” Meechie, like Jay, was a healer. Her family had claimed the gift centuries ago. “I felt your love for my brother too.”

Candi’s eyes stretched.

“It's okay, Magic,” she teased, calling her by the name Jay had given her. “He needs someone like you.”

“If you knew my story, you wouldn’t be saying that Meechie,” Candi huffed. Every time she wanted to picture a future with Jay she was reminded he almost married Luna, a girl from the opposite side of the tracks. She didn’t know Luna personally but knew she didn’t have a history like the one Candi carried around. Her life was messy and needed to be sorted out.

“She never came here,” Meechie confessed, allowing the sun to warm her skin as well.

Adjusting her body, Candi faced Meechie. “Who?”

“Her. The girl you keep allowing space in your mind. She ain’t never been here. I met her once and that was when I visited Sapphire City. He brought you here for a reason.”

“What’s the reason?”