Blushing so hard, Candi wanted to crawl under his car to keep from explaining to her friend how Jay was the Jayshun she’d told her about. The man who made her body do weird shit. The man she wanted to break her fake celibacy for.

Extending his hand, Jay showed off his open-face grill with a smile. “I’m her future but you can call me Jay.” His eyes went back to Candi. “You will only call me Jayshun.”

Merci fanned herself before placing her hand inside his. “Well, it is nice to meet you, Jay.”

“I’m Banks, baby. What’s your name?” Banks' long and lanky body was sprawled out on the hood of his car, which was parked next to Jay’s.

He was pecan tan with long locs he wore in a messy bun at the top of his head. His lineup was fresh and connected to the full beard that looked well-groomed. The diamonds in his ears twinkled under the lights and the watch on his wrist looked expensive.

Merci eyed him from his designer sneakers to the bun on his head. Liking what she saw, she decided to take the bait. “I’m Merci.”

“Merci, huh? You ain’t from here, are you?” Banks asked, removing a blunt from behind his ear.

“Nope!” Merci’s glossy lips popped. “I’m from Jade City, the best city.”

“That can’t be true,” Jay commented, with his arms still wrapped around Candi. It felt right and he had no plans of letting her go anytime soon. “’Cause if that was true you wouldn’t be here, ain't it?” His slightly sunken-in eyes gazed into hers.

“Where are you from?” His accent was different, and she hadn’t heard it before. Merci had to admit, that not only was Jay fine as hell, but his deep, southern voice was a major turn-on. She could see why Candi hadn’t said a peep when he pulled her in his arms.

“Bama,” Jay revealed.

Candi’s body shook from him talking so close to her ear.

“And you?” Merci asked Banks, who offered her the weed that she accepted.

“I’m from here. Sapphire City until I die.” He lifted his shirt to give her a peek at the words sprawled across his stomach.

Merci couldn't care less about his stomach or tattoos. She wanted to see what that V in his torso led to. Licking her lips, she winked at him, causing him to blush, which was comical.

“You smoke, Magic?” Jay asked, ready to light up himself.

“Who is Magic?” Merci looked around.

“Me.” Candi grinned, loving anything Jay called her. “No, I don’t smoke.” She wanted to add her reasoning but wasn’t ready to kill the fantasy he had of her. Her therapist had suggested cannabis but she wasn’t ready yet. Especially not in a park full of people. Seemed too familiar.

Pointing between the two of them, Merci asked, “But where did that little name come from?”

“Look at her, big, cat-like eyes, skin dark and shiny—a pretty little black cat. Magical and shit,” Jay admired her while running the tips of his fingers down her exposed arms.

Candi was grateful she had worn a racerback dress. It gave him access to her skin and his hands on her felt amazing. Lust bumps prickled her skin, and her center created a rhythm of its own. Swallowing hard, she avoided her girl’s silly grin. Being wrapped up in Jay silenced the world. It felt like they were at the park all alone. The mix of different music coming from people’s cars was silenced. His voice was all she heard—all she wanted to hear.

Jay removed his hands from her body to fire up his personal blend of exotic weed. Inhaling deeply, he turned his head away from her to blow out the smoke.

“My boy over there simpin’,” Banks jested, loving the look on his friend.

He had front-row seats to the way Jay was weak for Luna. Which also meant he had backstage passes to the breakup. He was a producer that Jay put in contact with Luna when she first wanted to take her songwriting to another level. The move not only opened the door for her but Banks as well. He would forever feel indebted to his longtime partner, and because of that, he’d always wish for the best situation for him.

Marci shook her body like she was shaking off snow. “Woo! I would be draggin’ that nigga down the aisle if I was you, friend.”

“Damn, you ain’t trying to drag me down that muthafucka?” Banks played hurt with his hand on his heart.

Shaking her head, Marci kept shit real. “You ain’t gave me no damn nickname or looked at me the way he looking at my girl. What you see when you look at me, Banks?” She fluttered her extra-long lash extensions.

“Some fuckin’ wings on your damn eyes.” Banks laughed, making the rest of them do the same.

Playfully, Merci swung at him. “Nigga, please.”

“I mean, you fine, no lie, but that’s all I see. That and a fat ass. Is it real?”