Full pockets.

Full heart.

Full, thick dick.

He was ready to fill someone up the best way he knew how.

His phone vibrating caught his attention. It was a text from his mechanic letting him know Candi’s car was ready. He responded with her address and told them to just drop it off to her.

Finally cranking his car up, he pulled off into traffic with thoughts of her on his mind. Something told him she was the one. Only time would tell though.



“Got damn, bitch! I didn’t know Sapphire City had fine ass niggas like this.” Merci elbowed Candi as they passed a group of men.

They were at the park, ready to see what the city truly offered. Candi could’ve done without the night out but she promised her friend she would step out with her. It had been months since she found herself surrounded by temptation. The place she was in in her life, this just wasn’t her scene anymore. However, she’d be a liar if she didn’t admit it felt good to do something besides therapy and work. That was all her life consisted of. She did her hair and nails, so salon trips weren’t even a thing for her anymore.

Playfully rolling her eyes to the setting sun Candi gave in. “I mean, they look all right.”

“Bitch, please. What that nigga look like that got your car fixed? You ’round here holding out on me, acting like you ain’t still the Candi that was known to get anything out of these niggas. The Candi I know didn’t mind running these men’s pockets,” Merci accused while side-eyeing her friend.

It was true. The old Candi was a gullible trick who sold her body to the highest bidder. She was also an addict who used sex to cope with her childhood trauma of being used and abused by her mama’s husband. The Candi Merci spoke of had no self-respect or morals. She fucked behind friends, men—hell, anyone. She put on shows with her friend and would’ve probably slept with her sister if the price was right.

The truth was vile. Thoughts of how she used to operate always left a sour taste in her mouth. Therapy taught her to embrace what was real. It didn't matter if she didn’t like the god-awful truth about herself. The nastiness she felt, her therapist taught her to use that as motivation for never going back. That and solitude helped her push through the trauma she felt on a daily basis.

She didn’t want to be that reckless girl anymore. Sapphire City was supposed to be a fresh start where no one knew her. It was the ground zero Dr. Joy talked about. However, Merci’s words didn’t seem to match up with that.

Candi needed a drink so badly that her mouth watered. She could taste it. Being surrounded by temptation no longer felt like the best situation for her to be in. The pep talk she had with herself seemed to be null and void as she made her way through a world she used to love.

A journal and a quiet place were needed before she freaked out. Succumbing to the temptation wasn’t an option for her—something else therapy had taught her. She was stronger than she knew.

Merci was oblivious to the meltdown her friend was so close to having. “Oh, let’s make our way over there where them niggas playing the old school slow jams. They look fine from where I’m at. Come on.” She grabbed Candi’s hand, trying her best not to look like they were running in that direction.

Candi, on the other hand, was counting in her head. She was ready to go. She needed to make her exit before she gave in just because. Maybe hanging with Merci wasn’t such a good idea. It would only be one night. What would it hurt? she thought. In her own world of temptation, she wasn’t paying attention to where her friend was taking her. She inhaled a familiar scent, and long arms wrapped around her.

That quiet place she needed seemed to find her. In his arms, everything disappeared. Even his horrible singing.

“I just wanna be the one you come and give all your love make a nigga take all your love,” Jay sang in her ear as Jagged Edge blasted from his car’s sound system. “I got the kind of love you don’t get tired of.”

Jay’s friend, Banks, hyped him up as he rocked Candi in his arms, turning his Southern charm up to the max.

As if he knew she needed to be pulled from her tortured world, Jay spun her around, pulling the biggest smile from her. He loved the way her eyes tightened from smiling so big.

Candi giggled as her stomach bubbled from the swarm of butterflies he gave her. And he didn’t stop. Not when they became the center of attention. Not when phone cameras flashed. He didn’t stop when his phone vibrated in his pocket.

Her face hurt from smiling so wide. “Jayshun!” She tried to pull away to catch her breath but he wasn’t letting her go. Her body melted into him perfectly—like ice cream on a summer day.

As the song faded out, Jay directed her to the front of his car, making sure to situate her between his legs.

“Was all that called for?” Candi asked while trying to create some distance.

“I’m the type of nigga to follow his intuition. Stop trying to break the bond, Candi,” he fussed when she tried to break free again.

“What bond?”

“And who is this?” Merci interrupted with crossed arms, standing in front of Candi with her lips twisted to the side.