His brows folded down. “What happened to all that shit you just said in the shower? You were high on lust?”

“No. What I’m saying is, I have work and I have an appointment with my therapist.”

“Okay, why you gotta go home for that?”

“Because,” she huffed, looking for the words. “Wait, you didn’t even ask me what I see a therapist for.”

“That’s your business and I can kinda read between the lines. I ain’t a dumb nigga, Magic.”

Every time he called her Magic, her body shook. “And you don’t feel no way?”

Before he could respond, her phone started to ring.

Seeing that it was Drama probably calling her to make sure she remembered to get on the Zoom with her therapist, she answered. “Yea?”

“Aye, why you ain’t been answering?” Drama huffed from the other end of the phone. This was his third call to her, and after about an hour, she was finally answering.

“Nigga, I’m grown,” Candi sassed with a smile on her face.

Jay listened intently. The voice he heard was that of a man and he knew damn well Candi wasn’t trying to play with his intelligence.

Drama huffed to calm himself down. “You sound good. You good?”

“Mhm,” she hummed, nodding her head as if he could see her. Her eyes went to Jay, making her smile even bigger. “I’m good, Drama.”

“Where you at anyway?” Drama inquired. She heard in his voice how on edge he was.

Candi sighed. “I’m not high. I haven’t had anything that could get me high if that’s what you’re asking. I’m good, for real.”

“Denim! No, ma-ma. Put it—” Drama fussed at her niece, who seemed to get into everything.

She snickered. “That girl is bad as hell,” she commented.

“When you gon’ come fuck with us, Candi? Your sister misses you, man.” He’d asked the same question and made the same claim the last time he was on the other end of her phone.

Her eyes danced around the room. Jazze was still a sore spot for her. She was still working out the details of the relationship with her big sister in therapy. Jazze had done nothing to her yet there was still some resentment. She thought she was ready to move forward with their engagement but as time went on, Candi realized she still needed to do some work.

“You still coming to the wedding, though, right?” Drama changed the subject when Candi went quiet on him.

There was no hesitation in her voice when she confirmed, “Hell yes. I wouldn’t miss that for the world. Kiss my nieces for me and tell Jazze I love her so much.”

“Or you could just tell her,” Drama suggested.

“Look, I gotta go. Love you, Dramarious.” Candi ended the call with a heaviness in her heart. Her therapy session was needed. She wanted to work through her shit to get to a better place with her sister but it was hard.

Staring off into nothing, Candi was brought back when Jay placed his hand on her back. “Who was that?”

“My sister’s fiancé.”

His eyes squinted. “I need that to make sense. You love him?”

Her shoulders were hunched, and her face scrunched. “The story is long but I will say this. I was in a bad place last year, spiraling out of control. Pills were my drug of choice. Anyway, I was on them really bad. One night, I got so high—you know like the high when you have an epiphany? Anyway, I was down bad, called him and he saved my life.” Candi’s explanation seemed choppy.

“Why you call him and not your sister?” Jay had eavesdropped and heard a little of the conversation she just had. It was clear she had a sister who she seemed to once be close with.

Candi knew the answer she just didn’t know if she wanted to expose herself so soon. Jay had made it clear that he was more than interested in her, but would he feel the same if he knew about her hoeish ways? Would he want to put his mouth on a woman who had so many miles on her pussy? In a fairytale world, the answer would be yes. However, her life had never been a fairytale. From the day she was born, she’d lived in a nightmare that was constantly on repeat.

She smoothed her messy weave down and looked around his loft. The view was the best one she’d ever seen and she’d flown on private jets with rich niggas. “Drama just means a lot to me and sometimes my sister is very judgmental—like, she don’t understand why I was going through what I was going through. It creates pause for me. When I needed a hand, hers wasn’t the one I would reach for.”