Page 87 of Safe With You

He wanted to make sure she was all right, but they still had a very real danger to contend with. The water splashed only feet away as Christopher scrambled back up. Ethan steered Katie toward the shore, trying to keep an eye on both her and her brother. Christopher stalked after them. Despite the lack of adequate light, Ethan could see the twisted sneer on his face and the glint of his dark eyes. The man looked possessed. He was high on something, which made him even more dangerous.

Katie stumbled out of the water, still coughing and sucking in air. He gently pushed her toward the cottage as Christopher drew closer. “Go call 911.”

She hesitated, glancing up at him and then at Christopher before hurrying away. Now Ethan just had to keep Christopher from reaching her until help arrived. He focused on him just in time to see him pull something out of his pocket. Moonlight flashed on the sharp edge of a switchblade. A thread of ice flowed through Ethan’s blood.

He put his hands up and took a slow step back. “Christopher, you don’t want to do this.”

He glanced left and right for something he could use to defend himself but found nothing before Christopher lunged at him.

Katie burst into the cottage. Her throat and lungs burned with every gasping breath, and she still felt like she needed to cough up the water she’d inhaled right before Ethan had pulled her out of the lake. She scrambled around the kitchen island, frantically searching the floor for her phone. When she found it, she snatched it up and tapped the screen to dial. It responded sluggishly to her wet hands and violent trembling. Panic surged through her body, but she finally hit call. She put the phone to her ear, swiping a dripping strand of hair out of her eyes.

The seconds seemed stretch out before a woman’s voice came from the other end. “911, where is your emergency?”

Katie gasped out her address and didn’t wait for any more questions. “My brother tried to drown me, and now I’m afraid he’s going to kill my boyfriend.”

“Where is your brother now?”

“They’re both down by the edge of the lake. My boyfriend sent me to call for help.”

“And what’s your name?”

“Katie. Katie Lachlan.”

“All right, Katie, there is help on the way. Are you safe right now?”

“I’m in my cottage.” She looked toward the front door, torn between running to lock it or going out to see what was happening. Was she safe? If Christopher had gotten inside once, he could again.

“Does your brother have a weapon?”

The dispatcher’s question made up her mind. She had to know if Ethan was all right.

“I’m not sure.” She moved toward the door and peeked out before stepping into the porch. It was hard to see the lake in the dark, but she thought she heard the sounds of a scuffle. She moved to the window for a better look. The dispatcher may have said something more, but fear muted her voice. Ethan and Christopher looked to be fighting for control over something.

Terror and dread shot through Katie. “I think he has a knife!”

She stared at the struggle, unable to process what the dispatcher said. Then, like a horrific scene from a movie, Ethan went to the ground. Christopher was right there on top of him, trying to drive the knife into his chest. A cry burst from Katie’s throat. The phone slipped from her hand. Ethan was going to die right in front of her.

But something snapped inside her. She’d already lost Grandma. She would not lose him too. Spinning around, she dashed back into the cottage. She nearly slipped on the water she’d left on the kitchen floor, but she caught her balance and rushed to the stairway, where she grabbed the baseball bat. Running back out, she burst past the porch door and did not hesitate to run toward Ethan and Christopher. The moment they were within reach, she wound up and swung the bat as hard as she could.

The wood cracked against Christopher’s ribs. He cried out and toppled halfway over. Ethan shoved him the rest of the way and stumbled to his feet. He grabbed the bat from her and pushed her behind him, backing them both toward the cottage.

Christopher let out a guttural yell. He sucked in a couple of ragged breaths from his hands and knees before readjusting his grip on his knife and shoving to his feet. His balance wavered briefly, the only indication of Katie’s attack doing any damage. But then his gaze locked on the two of them, burning with the intent to kill.

That’s when the sound of a siren registered for Katie. Bright headlights and flashing red and blue flooded the yard and lit up the edge of the lake. Christopher raised his hand to shield his eyes, squinting. Ethan grabbed Katie’s arm and led her toward the police car.

A familiar voice rang out. “Christopher, drop the knife right now!”

Katie huddled close to Ethan as Eric stepped past them, pistol raised.

“I said drop the knife!”

Christopher glared at him, squeezing the knife as if he still intended to use it on someone. For a few heartbeats, Katie thought it would end with him getting shot. But, with a curse, Christopher threw the knife away. Within moments, Eric had him on the ground and cuffed.

At first, Katie couldn’t move. Numbness overtook her body and her mind, her thoughts coming sluggishly. But then she felt Ethan’s hand on her arm, and sharp reality crashed back in. She spun to face him. Before she could ask him if he was all right, her gaze locked on the blood oozing down his arm and the dark, wet spot on the lower edge of his shirt.

She gasped. “You’re hurt.”

He glanced at his arm. Blood dripped from a laceration across his forearm. He then gingerly peeled up his shirt. A little below his ribs, there appeared to be a bleeding puncture wound. Panic ignited in Katie’s chest.