I just guide him out of there though just in case Prince Jarel wants to be an even bigger asshole.

Why do I hate seeing Krylox hurt, I’m not a hundred percent sure but what I do know is that I can’t allow this to deter me from anything.

Chapter Six


It’s not easy but I manage to get Krylox back to his house and we didn’t have to worry about too many people starting something as they kept a good distance from us. I think that they already knew that he could still kick their asses if they tried something, but it was a bit annoying because I didn’t have a clue about what to do about this entire situation because I felt honestly helpless. It was like something out a horror movie when I saw his body being ripped in places and I don’t know why he just accepted it. I have a lot of questions for him but I’m just going to let him tell me when we get to his place because I don’t think it’s good to talk about this in the open.

I make him sit down, hearing his soft groan of pain. I’m trying to figure out what to say or do but first, I need to deal with his wounds. He opens his eyes and looks at me as I stare doting over his wounds, making sure to clean it with water and I know he has some salves around here that I can use to make sure that he doesn’t get an infection. I know he is watching me, feeling a bit curious because I know that it’s possible, he could end up going wild on me if I’m not careful, but I don’t honestly believe that he will hurt me. He isn’t like the other aliens who think that they are better than everyone else.

Or maybe they do think that way, but I don’t believe honestly that he does. He continues to watch me as I tend to all of his wounds, even the ones on his thighs where I would be dangerously close to the area that I shouldn’t be. There’s a weird scent emanating from his body, one that sends a shiver down my spine and makes me ache for everything. I know it’s very possible that he could end up doing something crazy to me or something, but I don’t think that he will. I think that he just wants to do everything in his power to make sure that I’m going to be alright.

Drawing in a deep breath, I go to dump the dirty water, knowing there is nothing else that I can do for him. He leans back on the couch-like structure, closing his eyes. I know he is in pain even though he is probably trying to hide it from me. He doesn’t need to hide anything from me. I can let him know this now, but I honestly think he’s just going to do what he wants and be damned what I say to him about it.

Biting my lower life, I just watch him curiously.

“Why did they do this?” I ask him, fiddling with my fingers, “it seems kind of stupid if you ask me that they would hurt someone who hadn’t done anything wrong. You didn’t do anything to me, and I can just tell that you’re on the short end of the stick right now.”

He shakes his head and sighs, “they are mad at me because I’m not treating you like how other breeders are treated. I don’t care, I’m not going to do that to you, but they don’t give a damn what I think. They see this as an act of defiance, and they are going to keep feeling that way until I give them what they want. I’m sorry that you had to see that and I’m sure it wasn’t a very pleasant experience, but I can promise you that I will continue to accept it like this if that means keeping you safe.”

Never in my life have I had someone stick up for me the way that he does, and it makes me feel very good about myself. It makes me feel like I’m the only person in the world that he cares about but I don’t understand why. What is so special about me? Why does he treat me so well when there’s no reason that he should? Honestly, I keep thinking that he is going to turn on me one of these days because it is oddly suspicious that he keeps treating me right.

“You’re my fated mate.” He suddenly explains, running his fingers through his hair, “it’s a very rare event, something that hasn’t happened in nearly thirty years. A lot of us don’t believe in it anymore because it seems like no one meets their fated mate because our mate could only be from another species, but the minute that I saw you, I knew that you were. I’m not going to deny it and say that I didn’t want to claim you right then and there, but I would NEVER force myself on you at all. I’m not that kind of person who takes pleasure in fucking a woman if it doesn’t mean feelings are involved. I hope you see that.”

I tilt my head to the side because I honestly didn’t expect that, “I’m your fated mate… That must be why you treat me so well.”

“I’m sorry that I didn’t say anything in the beginning.” He apologizes to me, running his fingers through his hair, “I thought that I could keep this under control, but it seems like I’m not going to be getting anywhere right now. Just know that no matter what they do to me, you’re going to be safe. I won’t allow them to touch you. They’d have to kill me first.”

His words touch my heart because it’s obvious now that all he wants to do is keep me safe. I keep worrying over what could have happened if he didn’t actually want me, but I don’t think there’s anything I can do about it now. All I do know is that I owe him a lot more than what he is probably ever going to ask for and I don’t know completely what to do about it. I keep telling myself that maybe this is happening for a reason and maybe I need to up my game but the other part of me doesn’t want to do that at all. The other part of me wants to show him the same kindness that he has shown me and not allow anything to stand in my way.

“You don’t have to stick up for me.” I tell him softly, reaching out and lightly stroking his cheek as I try to comfort him in the best way that I know how, “I don’t know if you know completely what’s going to happen from here on out but what I do know is that I’m not going to allow you to screw everything up for yourself just because of me. Don’t allow them to just do this to you, it’s not right. Promise me that.”

He's staring at me now, probably processing everything that I’m saying to him in this moment. I don’t know how to make him understand that this is just too much, and he doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. Surprisingly though, he leans into my touch and allows me to comfort him the best way that I know how. I guess there’s only one thing we can decide later on how we need this to go.

Chapter Seven


Something is going to happen, but I don’t know what and it is driving me crazy. I keep thinking that someone is going to show up and cause me more problems but then they never do. I keep my home heavily guarded that way no one would be able to get inside without me knowing and I already showed Emma the best hiding spots where nobody would be able to find her unless they knew what to look for. It wouldn’t have surprised me if someone tried to break in and take her for themselves because that’s just how these bastards are, but they are going to learn really quick that I’m not putting up with it. If they want to get to her, then they are going to have to go through me.

I hate the thought of them touching her when this could very well end up being the worst thing that has ever happened for any one of us. I hate to think about where this could all end up going or even worse, what could happen to her if I hadn’t had all of this fortifications. I already know that it has spread that I haven’t taken her yet, but I don’t know why it is anyone’s business but my own and I have made that clear any time someone has approached me about it.

Some were just curious because they didn’t understand why I picked a breeder if I wasn’t going to use her. Those words did end up pissing me off though because there’s no reason that she should have been talked to like that unless they knew a hundred percent what they were doing. I hated it, feeling like I’m scum of something because it has very well made itself very obvious to those who have tried to screw me over that nothing would end up turning the way that I wanted to if I didn’t give it a shot.

So, I did do everything in my power to try and make this go right but it’s becoming more and more clear with every passing moment that this is going to happen whether I want it to or not. I have been going back and forth in my head, trying to decide how I’m going to woo Emma over and make her fall for me. I told her about her being my fated mate, but she’s not obligated to act upon those feelings, and I would never expect her to. It did make me feel a bit uneasy when I just knew that this could turn around and bite me in the ass, but I didn’t know what to do about it anymore. I hated that I had to give up all of my feelings towards this situation and bare my soul to her in hopes that she is going to feel the same way about me.

Of course, I couldn’t be completely sure that she even feels the same way but I’m going to do my best to see where this takes us. I keep thinking that maybe I’m going to go down a route where I have no clue if I’m going to be alright, but I have to tell myself right here and now that I’m not going to let anything change my mind in this moment because I’m going to make her mine.

But why does Prince Jarel want to see me right now.

I am standing in the throne room that he had publicly humiliated me in, staring up at him with absolute hatred but I can’t let him actually know this is how I feel. I raise an eyebrow at him and try to think positively because what’s honestly the worst thing he is going to do to me? I notice the other guards around, looking at me with a smug look on their faces and that makes me even more uneasy.

I do not like this situation one bit.

“I’m sure you are wondering why you are here, Krylox.” Prince Jarel murmurs, tilting his head to the side, “unfortunately it has still come to my attention that you haven’t bred your new girl. It’s honestly quite annoying to be the case because why would you do something like that without thinking of the right things? I don’t like that this has to be the case, hmm?”

“When I finally have her, I don’t think it is any of your business.” I disagree with him, folding my arms across my chest.