She clenches her jaw and nods, “I understand, that makes sense then. Is our baby going to be alright though?”
My heart flutters when she says our baby, but I don’t quite understand what she means, “what do you mean by that?”
She clenches her jaw, “I mean is it going to come out deformed because you’re an alien and I am human. I’m not keen on something like that and I’d hope that you wouldn’t allow it either. If you tell me the truth and not lie to me and tell me what to expect, I think I’d be able to believe you.”
“I don’t know what answer I can give you besides humans have been able to mate with my kind before and create offspring.” I tell her, hoping that I can ease her worry, “and the baby comes out just fine. I don’t see it any other way.”
She relaxes even more and slowly nods her head, “that’s good to hear. I didn’t know what to expect from it and I worried that the baby would come out deformed or something. It wouldn’t really be surprising if you ask me.”
I just stare at her because I don’t know why she is saying all of this to me, “why are you asking me all of this? I would have thought you would have just left me here to die.”
“The doctor says that I might need you.” She explains to me, pursing her lips, “So that means you’re going to have to come with me until at least the baby is born.”
I’m shocked because I didn’t think she would want me…
But how can I resist?
Chapter Four
It wasn’t easy to get them to release Elarix into my care but since I am a commander, they didn’t have much of a choice. I laughed every time that they tried to play the game of expecting me to just take whatever they said because they are male, and I am female. I quickly made them realize that I don’t put up with that shit and I’m going to make them wish that it never happened. It was strange seeing Elarix again after what had happened between us but the nausea inside of me seemed to quickly disappear so maybe he is good for something. I saw the way he was looking at me though, like he thought about eating me right up. I didn’t like that feeling because I knew that he very well might try to, and I don’t know how I feel about that.
I guess the only thing that I did have to decide on is where I want this to go and how I want it to go as well. I know that this could end up biting me in the butt, but I have tried not to think about it again. I keep trying to decide where to go from there because it is becoming quite clear that even if I end up doing the things that I love, there’s no way that I could just get rid of this baby.
So, I did the next best thing.
I have taken a leave of absence, and my job has gone to my second-in-command who I trust will do it for me until after I get back. I didn’t give any reasoning because I didn’t need to. They know if I’m taking a leave of absence, then I am taking a leave of absence, and they can kiss my ass if they try to do anything else. I have been doing the best that I could with this though because it has become more and more apparent that sometimes I’m going to have to just do this the right way, or I could very well end up losing everything if I’m not careful enough.
Running my fingers through my hair, I guide Elarix into my home, thankful that I live in a more secluded area, and I won’t have people asking questions. It’s not uncommon for aliens to be around anymore but he’s not your typical alien that they see around here. He is huge, towering over everyone, and scary-looking. Although he looks quite fine to me, I know how others see him and I know there’s just no way that I’m going to be able to hold myself back anymore. I have decided very quickly that he is just who I’m going to have to sit back and wait for and I don’t mind doing that either because why would I hold onto that regret?
Nope, not at all if you ask me.
My stomach churns with nerves because I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to do this. I don’t know what road I’m going down, but I do know that Elarix might not even want to be around me, but I don’t have much of a choice because he’s the thing keeping me sane. I didn’t want to get rid of the baby, knowing that this is the only thing that is going to allow me to progress through this pregnancy and not get hurt in the long run.
“So,” I murmur, looking up at Elarix curiously, “do you have any questions for me before I lay down the rules?”
He glances down at me and raises an eyebrow at me, “Rules? I’m going to assume that you expect me to follow them.”
I bristle slightly because I don’t know why he has to speak to me in that kind of tone, but I just end up nodding, “Yes, when you’re here, you need to follow my rules because I’m doing a lot of wrong by taking you out of that prison. I could have left you in there to rot, let me remind you that.”
His lips curve and he end up shrugging his shoulders, “you could have but there’s no way that you would have because then you would have lost everything to me. The baby can’t let you sleep or eat in peace, am I right? It’s why I’m here.”
I hate that he is just saying it how it is, and I couldn’t get anything past him. I don’t know what he wants me to say or do though because there’s no way that I’m going to just let him win like this. I know that this could very well turn out to be a disaster, but I have no idea what’s going through his head to make him think that this is okay. I know that he has continued to make things about himself but what I do know is that I’m not going to allow it to happen that way. If anything, he's going to be the one bowing to me and very quickly.
“I just expect you to listen, Elarix, or I’m afraid you will be going back to the prison.” I explain to him, running my fingers through my hair, “I didn’t even want to do this in the first place, but you didn’t give me much of a choice. I just hope that you don’t make me regret this.”
I give him a cold look, I’m sure he can already see it on my face. I know that this isn’t entirely his fault because I’m the one who allowed him to touch me but the other part of me just wanted nothing to do with him. I know it might sound a bit ridiculous, but I do know that there’s no way in hell that he’s going to get away with this. Not while I’m still here.
After the baby is born, he will be executed…
I guess it just works out for me.
Chapter Five
Although I have grown to be very wary of my mate considering the fact that she wants absolutely nothing to do with me and I suppose that I can’t even blame her there. I just honestly thought that she would want more of me, but she kept avoiding me like I didn’t even exist. It makes me mad to even think about it because why in the world would they end up treating me this way? Why did she think that it was okay?