Page 9 of Owned

That isn’t even the most bizarre thing. On the furthest wall stands a contraption that looks to be made from the same stone as the giant tub. But this one resembles a seat of some kind. I don’t understand what any of it is.

Weirded by the whole thing, I shut the door and flop back onto the bed.

“I have to find a way out.”

Suddenly, the door is thrown open, and the female with onyx skin saunters in without a care in the world. Her voluptuous curves make me jealous for several reasons that I am not ready to look at too closely yet. This is not the place for self-reflection.

“You didn’t bathe.” Her deep brown eyes scan me from head to toe.

“No one brought me water,” I shrug, sitting up.

“Why would we bring you water?” her thick brow raises as she crosses her arms over her chest. “There is a perfectly good working tub in the bathing-room.”

“Working tub?”

“A—oh, right. Come on. I will show you.” She waves her hand to get me to follow her.

I hesitate to do so, but I need to watch my capturers carefully. I need to pick out their weaknesses and strengths and then use them to form an effective plan to use against them.

Slowly, I step into the room and watch as she twists a few knobs on the metal vines where water flows out. And to my surprise, it is clear. Not the murky brown stuff that Reckless and Forsaken are used to. I am unsure if the Dutiful also get this rare luxury or if they, too, must deal with whatever it is they have been giving us.

“These supply the water,” she says, running her hand under the pristine liquid.

“And what is that?” I wince, pointing at the weird object on the other wall. I hate feeling stupid, but it is no one but the Keryths’ fault for keeping the Elani so naïve. And when you have lived on the streets or in a cell most of your life, you don’t exactly get to see these kinds of things daily.

“That is a toilet. You sit on it, do your business, and then once finished, you pull that cord on the wall, and water pushes the waste down the pipes.” Her voice is soft and understanding, but it just fuels my anger even more.

“Are you telling me that Keryth have had these things all along? And instead of sharing this information with everyone, they continue to let everyone they deem lower suffer with chamber pots and standing tubs?” my voice rises with each word until I am viciously screaming at her.

“Unfortunately, yes,” she winces.

“Get out!” I yell, pointing at the door.

“I cannot until you are bathed. Prince’s orders,” she says, finally standing to her feet. We are about the same height, but with her being a Keryth, her strength alone would be my undoing. I can’t ‘make’ her leave.

“I don’t care about his stupid orders. I want you out!”

“What’s all this, Tia?” a soft voice comes from behind me. I quickly turn to find another female whose skin is only a few shades lighter than the other, and her hair is styled in tight, bouncy black curls.

“Not now, Kaelin.” The one whose name, I guess, is Tia, crosses her arms over her chest and shifts her stance from a relaxed one to something more aggressive.

If they do not get along, I can use that to my advantage.

“Don’t be rude. Is this the new friend?” Kaelin asks while rubbing her hands together.

“I am not your friend or anyone else’s!”

Tia steps up at my aggressive tone, but Kaelin’s eyes only widen.

“Watch how you talk to my sister, or I will cut your tongue out!”

If she doesn’t watch how she talks to me, I will cut out hers, just like I have all the others.

“Your sister?” Damn it! I won’t be able to use it against them after all.

“Yes,” she grates.

“I don’t care who she is to you. You helped the prince kidnap me! I don’t owe you or any other Keryth any kind of kindness. For all I care, you two can go fuck yourselves!” I mimic her stance but ensure her sister is still in my sight. Though she may seem small and innocent enough, looks can be deceiving.