Page 18 of Owned

“I’m fine!” Kaelin grumbles, pulling her skirts free. “What are we talking about?” She rights herself and pushes her hair from her face with determination.

“The prince and Nyx sleeping in the same bed.”

I glare at the infuriating female who seems to enjoy my discomfort.

“He what?” Kaelin squeals. “Ok, tell me everything!” She sits at the table with us, filling her tea cup and covering her plate with meats and cheeses.

“There is nothing to tell.” I get up from the table and walk to the window.

I thought I would get some time alone today, at least for a moment, to devise a plan. Instead, I have these two here begging for information that I don’t even want to think about.

There isn’t enough hot water and soap in this cursed castle to wash away my disgust. But I need him. He is the prince. As aggravating as it may be, he is my only source of protection here. And he knows something about the vines.

“There is something to tell. The prince doesn’t just sleep in the same bed with anyone. Not even the females he…” Kaelin shifts uncomfortably in her chair and covers her mouth as she whispers, “Not even the females he makes love with.”

“Kaelin, you are a grown woman. You CAN say fuck. Because that is what the Prince does,” Tia says, shaking her head at her sister.

“I can, but I don’t want to,” Kaelin says, pointing her nose in the air.

“I don’t care what he does. Because he won’t be doing it with me!” I say, leaning against the window.

“I believe the woman protests too much!” Tia says through the corner of her mouth.

“Yep,” Kaelin pops the p.

I roll my eyes and ignore them. They can talk all they want. But it won’t change anything.

I wonder if they brought my bag with me. My darts should still be in there. I could knock the prince out and take the key. If I can get to a lower level, I can find a window to climb out of. There will be no need to run into anyone else.

But should I miss the opportunity to take him out? To feed my vengeance a bit of Royal blood? It is almost too tempting to stay here for. But then I may find myself in the position of not being able to leave. Would it be worth the risk?

Ugh! So many choices.

“What are you thinking so hard about?” I jump from the deep voice being so close to my ear.

I turn to find I have been left alone with the prince. Traitors! They could have at least warned me. It just shows that their, ‘playing nice,’ is all for show.

“Nothing.” I push away, but he grabs my arm before I get too far.

“Nyx, if something is wrong, you must tell me.”

“And why would I do that? Does the vermin discuss with its hunter why it is uncomfortable between its teeth?” His brown eyes heat and focus too long on my lips. “Stop that!”

“What?” he asks without looking away.

“That!” I yell, slapping his chest. Why is he so fucking thick?

“I can’t look at you?” The dimple on his right cheek makes an appearance with his crooked smile.

“No, you can’t.” I wrench my arm from his grasp. It isn’t lost on me he allowed it to happen. “You can’t touch me. You can’t look at me, cuddle, kiss, talk, smile, or smile at me—” He prowls forward. And like a coward, I back away. But I won’t stop talking because then he might have a chance to manipulate me. “—bite me, feed from me, touch me—”

“You said that,” he whispers, so deep it vibrates through my chest. His large hand snakes around me and settles on my lower back, slightly pulling me into his body.

“That means I am serious. I won’t repeat myself unless it is worth saying twice.” I glare daggers at him, wishing it would cause immense harm.

“Or—” he growls, leaning forward, causing his glasses to slide forward, placing his lips right below my ear. And my stupid, treacherous stomach does a weird fucking flip. “—could it be because you are nervous, and I have an effect on you?” he chuckles.

That’s it! This bastard is going to learn quickly not to fuck with me.