Page 21 of Owned

“We fought.”

“And yet it lives?” I grind my teeth to avoid answering the king with a sarcastic remark. Felix may allow me to get away with it, but the king will not be so merciful.

“She is my pet.” Felix’s voice is still void of all emotion, and I don’t know how to take that. I thought all the Royals were close. But the way he reacts to his father has me questioning everything. Maybe it’s another weakness I can use to my advantage.

“Finally!” the king cheers with a boisterous laugh that echoes loudly around us. Even blinded by hair and fabric, I can tell his outburst has everyone stopping in their tracks and staring at us. “I never thought the day would come. You will bring it to your mother’s ball.” A large hand lands on the opposite shoulder of the one I am trapped on.

“She has never been a pet before. I still need to break her before bringing her into public.” I said I would never bite him again, but right now, I am so fucking tempted if it gets him to put me down. Once we are alone—

“You will bring it, or I will take it and make you watch how pets are to be treated,” the king’s voice drops dangerously low and chill bumps rise all over my flesh. Felix’s grip tightens against my legs.

The fear ignited by the nightmares his voice springs forward would have me offering Felix my veins and body willingly to bribe him to keep me out of his father’s hands. I thought HE was terrible, but all the pain and suffering I endured would never compare to what the king would do.

“We will be there,” Felix finally says in the same emotionless voice.

“Good. I knew you would understand. Break it quickly. We do not need a scene on your mother’s birthday.” Heavy footsteps echo down the hall, and Felix doesn’t relax or say a word until they fade away.

“Felix?” I whisper.

“Not now,” he whispers, just as low.

He moves again at a neck-breaking pace. It almost feels like we are flying across the smooth floors, through huge wooden doors, and up the massive flight of stairs until he gently puts me down on my feet in his bedroom.

I don’t know what to say or do. Felix looks as agitated as I feel. But where I stand still, observing and silently planning, he prowls and runs his hands through his unruly hair.

“He is making you take her to the ball?” Tia asks, rushing through the door and looking panicked.

“He fucking caught me carrying her. I couldn’t get out of it!” He stops pacing, removes his glasses, and rubs the bridge of his nose.

“Why would you bring her outside?”

“I didn’t! She jumped out of the fucking window!” He throws his hand out, gesturing toward me.

“What did you do?” Tia crosses her arms over her chest and raises a brow at him, tapping her foot impatiently.

“I didn’t do anything. She bit me and then hit me over the head with a vase.”

“Again, what did you do?” she asks.

They continue to go back and forth, arguing. I can’t add anything to the conversation; I’m covered in blood and exhausted. So, I quietly make my way toward the bathingroom and lock the door.

Their voices only pause for a moment before they start up again. I sigh heavily at the hopelessness this whole day has left me with. I was so close to getting away and even closer to completing the change. I can’t allow myself to ever do such a thing again. I refuse to be that kind of monster.

I strip from my ruined clothes, use the strange contraption to relieve myself, and then sit in the giant tub while letting the water run over my bloody hands. Luckily, the damage isn’t too bad. They will be sore and hard to use tomorrow, but that should be the worst of it.

Once the water no longer runs red, I plug the drain and fill the tub as high as it can go with steaming water and put a little bit of the oil Kaelin made into it. The smell has become something that helps relax me, not that I would ever tell her that. I undo my braid and allow my hair to flow freely around me. Every muscle unlocks and melts into the hot water, helping me to lean comfortably against the side.

I am so far gone to the exhaustion that is setting in; I don’t even care that the door handle giggles before it opens.

“It has been so quiet in here, I thought you had drowned,” Felix chuckles from where he leans against the doorframe.

“If you would have waited a few more moments, I would have fallen asleep and done just that.” My voice comes out languid, giving away my weakened state.

“Then it’s time to get out.”

“No. Let me perish in my comfort,” I complain. The thought of moving seems like too much work.

“I don’t think so, Little Thief.” His deep laughter pulls an involuntary smile to my face. “Fuck,” he whispers so low I almost miss it.