Page 10 of Owned

“I like her,” Kaelin muses with a bright smile.

“You would,” Tia grumbles. “Now get in the tub.”

“No.” I refuse to back down, no matter how tempting the steaming water looks.

“Ok, then, if you won’t do it willingly, then I will get the prince in here, and he can make sure you do it…or do it for you.”

I narrow my eyes at the infuriating female, and to my dismay, she only plays with her thick black braid, not intimidated in the least.

“You wouldn’t dare,” I challenge.

“Try me,” she smiles wickedly.

Do I dare see how far she will take this? Brave the chance that she will actually get the prince? I can’t fight her. I have no weapons, and I would much rather be dealing with these two females than an entitled, irate male.

With no other way out of this, I undo my shirt and only pause for a split second at the thought of them seeing my scars. What do I care what they think about them? It is none of their business, anyway! Plus, I am still covered in that other female’s blood. I quickly strip bare, rolling my eyes, and ease into the scalding water.

If they have anything to say about my mutilated body, they keep their comments behind their teeth.

“Let’s wash your hair.” Tia begins to untie my braid, but I quickly pull it from her fingers.

“I can bathe myself. You two don’t have to be in here for this.”

“When is the last time you let someone care for you?” she asks so quietly I nearly miss the question.

“I haven’t needed anyone since my parents were brutally murdered in front of me.” I wish I could remember more from before that moment. But every time I try to bring those memories back, I end up with a headache and nothing to show for it. I don’t even know if this is something my mother would do for me. The Keryth have a lot to answer for.

“Then enjoy,” she says, ripping my braid out of my hands and continuing to untangle it.

I grumble under my breath and inwardly wince as she combs through the strands that are still crunchy from the ink. Just you wait, bitch!

“Dunk under.”

“So, you can drown me?”

“No, so we can wet your hair.”

I quickly dunk under and come back up before she has a chance to get her hands on me.

“The top is still dry.”

I roll my eyes and do it again, just as fast as before.

“That will do,” she sighs.

“Soooooo, what is your name?” Kaelin asks with a bright smile. She leans against the tub, playing with the water, while Tia works some kind of liquid into my hair.

“Nyx,” I grunt. “What are you putting in my hair?”


“Doesn’t it normally come in a bar?” Tia’s hands freeze, and then she leans over to meet my eyes.

“Have you been using bar soap on your hair?”

“I use whatever I can get my hands on.” I don’t say it for pity, but because it’s the truth. To my surprise, it is not pity shining through her deep brown eyes, but understanding and empathy; that is worse. I don’t need her to sympathize.

“Kaelin, go get the oils.”