“Big toys for big boys,” she murmured as she slid into the truck and reached for her seatbelt.
“Thank you for coming.” The light shining in Nash’s eyes punched up their azure color. He was excited about tonight. He’d kept his outfit simple — dark jeans with a lighter blue denim shirt that was rolled up to his elbows. Though he was wearing gloves, he clearly had no intention of hiding his bionic arm. A brown Stetson was tossed carelessly onto the dashboard.
“I told you I would.” Noelle kept her voice carefully modulated, inwardly willing herself not to burst into tears again.
“You’re so beautiful.” He reached across the console. “I hope a friend is allowed to say that.”
“You clean up pretty good yourself, cowboy.” She slid her hand into his, instinctively knowing there was a part of him that felt her touch against the mechanical digits all the way to his soul. It didn’t matter to her that they weren’t flesh and blood. They were his. Every time he held her hand with them was a reminder that she was the one person in the world he allowed himself to be vulnerable with. It was something that never failed to touch her deeply.
“Please don’t cry,” he whispered.
“I’m trying not to.” She forced a smile to her lips that felt tremulous. “But if I do, it’s only because I’m so stinking proud of you, you hear?”
“That’s my biggest goal tonight,” he muttered, covering their joined hands with his other hand. “To make you even prouder.”
“I thought you said you were showing off for the kids,” she taunted, trying to keep her voice light. Inside, she was melting because of his big, beautiful heart.
“Those aren’t the exact words I used.” He shot her a grin full of mischief. “But, yeah.”
His happiness spilled over her like warm sunlight, chasing away her coldest fears. “You’re going to give a lot of children hope tonight. I can feel it in my bones.”
His smile grew wider. “You really think I can do it?”
She couldn’t believe he felt the need to ask. “With everything in me. Can’t believe you feel the need to ask.” She stuck her tongue out at him, and the growing tension between them eased.
A strange sight met them when they reached the main highway leading to the rodeo grounds. Cars and trucks were parked on both sides of the road, lining their route.
“I wonder what’s going on.” Nash slowed his speed as he drove past, staring curiously through the windshield at them.
He soon had his answer. The moment he passed by the first cluster, they whipped onto the highway behind him, forming the longest train of vehicles he’d ever seen. About a mile down the road, a pair of police cruisers with flashing lights curled onto the lane in front of him. It was as if they’d been waiting for him.
“It’s a parade,” Noelle breathed, darting glances through both the side-view and rear-view mirrors. One that had clearly been called in Nash’s honor. “Your brothers are right behind us.” She recognized a few trucks owned by the ranch hands as well.
Vehicle lights flashed, horns honked, and news station helicopters rumbled overhead throughout the entire drive to the rodeo grounds. Men and women with reflective vests and light sticks met them at the entrance to the regular parking lot and waved them forward into a roped-off VIP area.
Nash parked and turned off the motor. “This is a little more hoopla than I was expecting.”
She gave him a playful shrug. “You did mention wanting to show off for the children,” she reminded as she undid her seatbelt clasp with one hand. He was still holding on to her other hand.
He dipped his head toward hers in slow motion.
She nearly stopped breathing at the realization that he was about to kiss her.
A blare of horns to the left of them made him lean back in his seat. “You ready for this?” He finally released her hand.
“Bring it on.” She pointed at her face. “I wore makeup and everything.”
“Stay here for a sec,” he ordered, clapping on his hat and leaping down from his side of the truck. He hurried around to open the passenger door for her.
They were thronged by reporters as he assisted her to the ground. A team of security guards hurriedly stepped between them, providing a much-needed buffer.
“It’s good to be back, folks,” Nash hollered to the mass of reporters, pointing upward to give God the glory for his recovery.
A noisy cheer rose behind him and Noelle as they were hustled away by the security team. They ended up in the press box for a series of official interviews with Nash.
He spoke with the gray-bearded master of ceremonies like the guy was an old friend. He probably was. Then he was led to the grandstand to greet the crowd and lead them in a short prayer to officially start the rodeo. The attendees gave him a standing ovation afterward.
Noelle watched from the press box with a hand pressed to her rapidly beating heart. Nash looked completely at home with all the music, festivities, and tide of emotions surging around them. He was like a fish in water when it came to show business.