“If you count the fact that she felt sorry for me? Yes,” Nash agreed matter-of-factly. “She didn’t like the idea of me being airlifted to Phoenix alone, without any friends or family at my side. For that, I will always be grateful.”
“Me, too,” Brady sighed. “So much was happening so quickly on our end. Under normal circumstances, I would’ve accompanied you to Phoenix myself.”
But circumstances hadn’t been normal. Adeline’s father had been fighting for his life that same afternoon. Birch Carver had ultimately pulled through, but nobody had been sure at the time that he would. Brady had ultimately chosen to remain in Pinetop to support the family of the woman he was now married to.
“Thank you for saying that, and thank you again for everything you did for me that day.” Nash caught Noelle’s gaze as he leaned back against the window sill again. “I don’t think I would’ve made it without your help.” Brady, his dad, and one of the ranch hands from Bear Mountain Ranch had pulled him from his truck before it finished tumbling over the side of a cliff.
Brady made a scoffing sound. “Adeline would’ve never forgiven me if we’d lost you.”
The flash of pain in Nash’s eyes made Noelle catch her breath. Though he’d never officially dated her, Brady’s wife was the woman who’d captured Nash’s heart. All he did, though, was grip the phone more tightly. “No hard feelings between us?”
There was another pause before Brady answered. “No hard feelings.”
Nash ended the call and pocketed the phone.
“That was as tough on you as it was on me,” Noelle accused brokenly. His features blurred. She had to blink rapidly to bring them back into focus.
Nash angled his head at the silver roller cart pushed up to his hospital bed. “There’s a box of tissues on your left.”
“Thanks,” she muttered, pulling two of them from the box to dab the edges of her eyes. “It felt like yanking off an enormous scab.” And now she was bleeding again on the inside.
“I know the feeling.” He sounded rueful.
It dawned on her that he’d insisted on making that phone call for both their sakes. “Thanks for not letting me do it alone.” Having him in the room had made the entire ordeal more bearable. Just barely, though.
He crooked a smile at her, one that looked a little bruised. “That’s what accountability partners are for.”
She nodded, feeling shy. “May I ask you a dumb question?”
“I doubt it’s dumb, but fire away.”
“Was I ever truly in love with him?” It wasn’t a question she expected an answer to. She mostly just needed to vent.
Nash gave her an answer, anyway. “Probably. Why?”
“I don’t know.” She wasn’t sure how to put her feelings into words. “What if I was just in love with the idea of being in love?” She spread her hands helplessly. “With someone like him?” She wasn’t sure if she was making any sense.
He nodded slowly, looking like he was considering her words, though he didn’t immediately answer.
“Since he didn’t love me back, he obviously wasn’t the right guy for me.” It was a painful admission, but it made sense. “Maybe he was just someone who checked more of the right boxes than my ex did. I guess that’s why I’m so paranoid now about rebound relationships.”
“Okay.” Nash gave her a quick up-down nod. “Let’s explore your theory for a sec. What was it about Brady that you liked so much?”
She dabbed at the corners of her eyes again. “He’s just a really nice person. Decent. Honest. Fair.” She’d been so raw from her breakup when she’d started working for him. He’d been good medicine — kind, friendly, and a great listener to boot.
“Uh, you’re going to have to give me more than that,” Nash informed her flatly.
She blew her nose before answering. “Don’t you think you’re taking this accountability partner stuff a little too far?”
“Nope. You fibbed your way onto a helicopter to have my back. Feels like I owe you one in return.” He winked at her. “So keep talking.”
The playful gesture was so unexpected that it drew a nervous chuckle out of her. “Okay. He, uh…took a chance on me, I guess. I didn’t have all the job experience he was looking for, but he hired me anyway.” After a lifetime of dodging her parents’ thousand and one hidden agendas, it had served as a breath of fresh air to work alongside someone whose intentions could be taken at face value.
Nash waved derisively. “Brady lives in a small town. He was lucky to add anyone near your experience level to his staff, and he knows it.”
“Maybe.” She hadn’t thought about it that way. “Afterward, he took the time to get to know me. It felt like…” She shook her head, trying to come up with the right words. “Like we were more than an employer and employee. I always got the impression that he might’ve asked me out if he wasn’t my boss. Guess he was too honorable to cross that line. I know for a fact that his sister wanted him to.” There. She’d finally said it out loud. Back then, she’d had herself convinced there was something percolating between them. But that was before Adeline had arrived back in town. After Adeline’s return, Noelle had ultimately decided she’d imagined the whole thing.
Nash held her gaze soberly. “It’s possible Brady was attempting to move on after his big breakup. Have you considered that?”