“I want to kiss you, too, but…”

“Another but? Really, Noelle?”

Though she smiled at the frustration in his voice, she plowed onward. “Are you sure you want to go public with our relationship just yet?” Everything involving Nash Carson tended to make headlines and splinter into a thousand different versions of the original story. Privacy wasn’t something he and his brothers got to enjoy much in their personal lives. They could hardly hiccup without it being shouted from the rooftops.

“No, you’re right, Noelle. Man! As badly as I want to let the world know you’re mine now, I don’t want the paparazzi coming after you. Not yet, anyway.” His voice grew caressing. “Wouldn’t mind having you to myself for a few days first.”

“What about your brothers?” she asked shyly. “We should at least tell them.”

He snorted. “Telling Flint would be about the same as going to the press, babe.”

She chuckled. “I hear you, but we shouldn’t keep it from them for long. They’re your family.” He was fortunate to have them in his life.

“Fine. How about we enjoy being together for one month before we complicate things?”

“Deal.” She chuckled. “Bye, Nash.”

“Bye, babe.”

As hard as it was, she ended their call. Then she hugged her phone to her chest, blinking back happy tears.

I’m dating Nash Carson. A wave of lightheadedness shook her. After all the mixed signals, crossed wires, and wrong turns along the way, she was finally with the right guy. It was the most wonderful feeling in the world.

Nash stared at his phone in wonder. That really just happened. His heart was thumping double-time as he stepped back into Santa’s Toy Factory.

Lucy glanced up from her easel where she’d been doing some more sketching. “We included everything you asked for. Come look!” Her red-and-white striped stockinged legs were crossed, and the heels of her elf boots were hooked on the middle rung of her stool.

Both Ames and Laura were peering around her shoulders in fascination. Flint was on the other side of the room goofing off with one of the train sets. No surprise there.

Nash strode toward the easel and bumped his brother out of the way with his shoulder.

The music box that Lucy had sketched looked like something that should be framed and hung in a museum. She’d sketched the box with its lid open. Inside was a full panorama nativity scene. There were shepherds and sheep on the outer edges, a manger with baby Jesus in the center, with Joseph and Mary kneeling beside him. An angel hovered over them, and three wise men waited expectantly on their right.

Lucy smiled at his awed expression. “When you first open the lid, a built-in music box will automatically start playing The First Noel. These pieces are stationary.” She used the eraser end of her pencil to point at Mary, Joseph, and the baby in the manger. “These pieces will rotate in an oval path around the central figures.” She gestured at the shepherds, sheep, and wise men. “The angel will spin in place for added visual interest.”

“All hand carved by Laura and Lucy.” Ames’ voice was hushed with admiration. “A true masterpiece.”

Lucy scanned Nash’s features. “Are you sure about the real gold plating and gilding? It’ll more than double the price.”

“I’m sure.” He didn’t have to think twice about it. He had the money, and Noelle was worth it. He hoped it would make her feel special, like she was finally coming first with someone.

“Just friends, eh?” Ames muttered, shaking his head. “Are you ever going to get around to asking her out, bro?”

“She’s pretty amazing, isn’t she?” Nash drawled, sidestepping the question. He didn’t dare meet his brother’s gaze, afraid he’d spill the truth right then and there.

One more month, and I will.

Between now and then, he intended to savor his first kiss with Noelle. And their second kiss. And the third. And maybe the twentieth. Nah, it would be more than that.

He was looking forward to losing count.


Nash dialed Angel Castellano as he headed for his truck.

“Hey, Nash!” Angel’s deep voice boomed in his ear. “You’re just the guy I was hoping to pin down this morning.”

“Great!” That makes two of us. “You gotta minute?”