He nodded slowly. “Looks like we have a second ground rule we can both live with. Anything else?”

She shrugged since she honestly hadn’t expected him to agree so quickly to her proposal. “I don’t think we need a rule for everything. You get the idea where I’m going with this, right?”

“I think so.” Amusement glinted in his gaze.

She lifted her chin. “Rebound relationships aren’t healthy, Nash. And since we’re going to be working together at Canyon Creek Ranch, we’re in the perfect position to help each other avoid them.”

“Is there an expiration date to this stuff?”

“Of course!” She infused as much confidence into her voice as she could muster, not willing to admit she was making up most of what she was saying on the spot. “The article didn’t go into specifics. I think we just need to pick a date that works for us.” Quite frankly, she wasn’t sure how much truth there was to anything she’d read on the Celebrity Dating Tips blog. She’d only brought up the topic to give Nash something positive to focus on in the midst of so much discouragement.

“Fair enough.” His expression changed into something that was harder to read. “How long do you think it’ll be before you’re ready to date again?”

“Technically, Brady McGrath and I never dated.” She’d wanted so badly to become the guy’s next girlfriend. But despite the fact that they’d both been single when they’d met, and despite the incredible rapport they’d developed between them, the manager of Bear Mountain Ranch in Pinetop, Arizona had insisted on keeping things strictly professional between them. And now she knew why. Her feelings for him had been heartbreakingly one-sided. The entire time she’d been dreaming about the possibility of happily-ever-after with him, he’d still been secretly in love with his last girlfriend. He and Adeline were married now, rendering him completely and permanently unavailable. Sadly, Noelle’s heart was still processing that memo.

“That’s not a straight answer,” Nash pointed out.

Okay. Fine. When will I be ready to date again? It was a fair question.

“I don’t know.” She waved a hand restlessly, almost regretting bringing it up. She had no interest in rehashing the reasons behind her failed attempt at winning Brady’s heart. “Six months, maybe? No, it’ll probably be closer to a year,” she amended glumly. Part of her feared she might never truly be over him. He was seriously the nicest guy she’d ever met. Decent, honorable, and hardworking. Not to mention a man of faith. He checked every box on her wishlist of things she was looking for in a relationship. Unfortunately, he hadn’t wanted a relationship with her in return.

“A year it is.” Nash mockingly raised his left hand instead of his right hand, which was missing. “I, Nash Carson, do solemnly swear to serve as your friendly accountability partner for the duration of one year, starting today. So help me, God.” He lowered his hand.

“Wow!” Her eyes widened. “You made it sound so official.”

He cocked his head encouragingly at her. “Now say it back to me.”

“If you insist.” Rolling her eyes, she raised her right hand. “Yes to everything you said.”

“Are you sure you’re ready for me to hold you accountable?” His voice grew taunting.

“To the ground rules we just agreed on? Yes.” She wasn’t sure why he looked so gleeful.

“Good.” He sounded so triumphant that she felt the first stirring of wariness. “Because you still need to call Brady and give him a proper two-week notice before starting work at my ranch. Regardless of your personal feelings on the topic, it’s the right thing to do.”

She folded her arms, irritated about being called out on such a sore subject. “How do you know I haven’t already?” Nash had been in and out of consciousness for the past several days, for crying out loud!

He ignored her question. “You also need to call your parents and let them know where you are. I know you’re not close with them, but they’re probably still worried about you.”

“Nash!” She nibbled her lower lip, unable to bear the thought of another browbeating from Beatrice Ward, her social-climbing, image-conscious mother. Triss, as she preferred to be called by her friends, was convinced that the manager of Bear Mountain Ranch would’ve made the perfect son-in-law. Her last words to Noelle were that she was holding her personally responsible for failing to reel him in the same way she’d failed to reel in her ex-boyfriend.

As if all men were stinking catfish or something!

For one thing, Noelle had broken up with her ex, not the other way around. Secondly, she was convinced her mother was more disappointed about the missed opportunity to turn Brady McGrath into a client of Ward Accounting Solutions, her father’s accounting firm. Both of her parents were mercenary like that. Nearly every one of their so-called friendships doubled as a networking opportunity. They couldn’t attend a simple birthday party without an agenda.

“Want me to dial Brady to get the ball rolling?” Nash produced his cell phone and waved it at her.

“Oh, my goodness!” She flicked her attention back to him. “You’re serious about this?”

For an answer, he started dialing. His expression told her just how well she’d succeeded in distracting him from his melancholy. He was downright enjoying the power she’d handed him over her.

I’ve created a monster.

With a squeal of dismay, she twisted her long, strawberry blonde braid around one finger and silently prayed her former boss wouldn’t pick up the phone.

While it rang, Nash hit the speaker phone button.

She winced. Please be too busy!