The last part of her answer was nearly drowned out by Noelle’s gasp of wonder as the hallway opened to a glittering wonderland of toys. They were handcrafted from sturdy wood and painted in bright, cheerful colors. There were sleds, wagons, dollhouses, and sets of blocks. There were also jigsaw puzzles, trains, and automobiles. Some were small enough to fit in a child’s hand. Others were big enough for that same child to climb inside. Woven in and around the toys were Christmas trees and garlands everywhere Noelle looked.
She spun in a full circle, trying to take it all in. “It makes you want to be a kid again,” she sighed.
“It’s pretty special, isn’t it?” Brady’s voice made Noelle grow still. She slowly finished turning in his direction, darting a quick look around for Nash, Ames, and Flint. She found all three Carson brothers clustered around two pert-looking elves, who were tapping the sides of a new dollhouse into place with their gilded hammers. Shelly hadn’t been exaggerating about how pretty they were.
“Hi, Brady.” On impulse, Noelle stuck out a hand. The air between them was awkward enough. There was no need to inject a note of rudeness into it.
Looking relieved, he pushed back his Stetson and shook her hand. “It’s nice to see you again, Noelle.”
“Thanks.” She wasn’t sure what to say to that, so she glanced around them again. “This place is amazing.”
“It is.” He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans and rocked back on his heels. “It’s a culmination of a lot of dreams on Chad’s part. Not only is it a direct extension of his sawmill business, the extra hands on deck they’ve hired are going to allow him to spend more time with his growing family.”
“I’m happy for them.” Shelly and Chad deserved this. They were two of the hardest-working people Noelle knew. “Shelly’s going to need the extra help. When baby number three makes his or her appearance, she and Chad will be officially outnumbered.”
He made a scoffing sound. “She’s been outnumbered since the day Gentry arrived. He has the energy of ten kids packed into one little boy’s body.”
Noelle’s chuckle pealed across the showroom floor, making Nash turn and give her an odd look. He was probably as surprised as she was to find her conversing with Brady McGrath. It wasn’t nearly as hard seeing him as she’d expected it to be.
Brady glanced quizzically between the two of them. “So, you and Nash Carson, eh?”
“What?” She blinked at him as the meaning of his question sank in. “Oh, we’re not dating,” she assured hastily.
His eyebrows remained raised. “That’s not the rumor circulating on every major news network in the west.”
She blushed and changed the subject. “How are things at Bear Mountain Ranch?” Had he even noticed her absence, or had Adeline’s horse whispering abilities completely eclipsed her former service there?
“Busy.” His lips thinned. “With Shelly about to go on maternity leave, we’re about to become even more shorthanded.”
Noelle glanced away guiltily at his mild dig in her direction.
“We’d take you back in a heartbeat,” he added in a low voice. “Just saying.”
Her gaze flew back to him. “Are you serious?”
“Why not?” He gave her an incredulous look. “You were a good employee, who gave a proper notice to accept another opportunity.” He glanced Nash’s way again. “I don’t hold it against you. Much,” he added in a dry voice as Nash pivoted and moved in their direction.
“That’s very kind of you.” Noelle’s heart raced at the searing look Nash was giving her.
The moment Brady stepped away, Nash leaned closer to snipe in her ear. “The next time you’re lonely enough to carry on a three-hour conversation with the man who broke your heart, feel free to give me that call we agreed on.”
For a moment, she thought he was joking. “I don’t think we’ve been here for more than ten minutes, cowboy.”
The scorching look he gave her made her realize that he wasn’t, in fact, joking.
She gave a quick glance around them to ensure no one was looking before stepping closer to touch his hand. It was the only way she could think of to reassure him.
He immediately curled his pinky finger around her pinky finger. Though they were partially shielded from view by a Christmas tree, anyone could walk around the tree at any moment and see that they were holding hands.
Somehow, she didn’t think their just-friends story would stick if they were caught holding hands in Pinetop. It was too small of a town. A juicy piece of gossip like that would make its rounds in no time.
Shelly pulled Nash and Noelle aside to give them the grand tour of their third-floor accommodations.
She tossed Nash a set of old-fashioned looking iron keys during their ride up in the surprisingly spacious elevator. “You and your brothers are in the Jack Frost Suite. Noelle will be staying next door in the Music Box.”