She studied him from beneath her lashes, wondering if he was going to have the willpower to give it up again after tonight.

The rodeo queen led a parade of horses into the stadium bearing a series of flags. Next was a mutton run event, where a group of adorably entertaining children practiced to become future rodeo champs from the backs of a few fuzzy lambs. It was both heartwarming and hilarious to watch them struggle to keep their balance on the frisky little creatures.

Next were the barrel racers. Then came the rope tying event. A hush fell over the crowd when the bronc riders finally took their places behind the numbered gates. A total of five cowboys were slotted to compete this evening.

Noelle anxiously sought out Nash’s position and found him behind gate number five. He would ride last. For a fleeting moment, she wondered if she had the inner strength to wait that long.

She was dimly aware of being led to the balcony outside the press box for a closer look at the performance of each brave cowboy. “Thank you,” she murmured to no one in particular, unable to tear her gaze away from the gates. Her hands reached out to grip the metal railing for support.

“Lord, give me strength,” she whispered, then immediately felt guilty about asking for anything for herself. Nash was the one who was about to risk life and limb out there. “Please be with him every second of the way, Lord.”

The first bronc rider enjoyed a nearly flawless ride from the moment he left the chute to the moment he hopped on the back of one of the pickup men’s horses. However, he didn’t receive as high of a score as she expected, probably because his horse bucked in mostly a straight line.

The next rider wasn’t so fortunate. His horse bucked worse than an angry bull, flinging the hapless cowboy to the ground like a rag doll only a second or two after leaving the chute. His final score was much lower than the first rider. He left the ring with his head lowered in dejection.

The third rider found himself on the back of an energetic jumper and did an incredible balancing act on the spirited creature. His name quickly flashed to the first-place spot on the electronic scoreboard.

The next rider grabbed the second-place spot. Then it was Nash’s turn. A reverent hush fell over the crowd for a second time that evening as he mounted his assigned bronco inside the chute.

I will not cry. Noelle watched him with bated breath as someone handed him the rope. His bionic arm went up in the air, and he nodded to the gate keeper that he was ready.

The metal gate flew open, and he shot into the ring on his horse. Though the horse bucked in a spectacular circle, Nash’s lithe body rocked in perfect sync to offset his frenzied movements.

“Come on, come on, come on.” Noelle’s heart pounded. “You can do it, Nash!”

The crowd chanted his hame. “Nash! Nash! Nash!”

A gasp rose when he was nearly unseated, but he managed to regain his balance.

The rescue riders flooded into the ring, ready to help him dismount. The cheering of the crowd rose to a nearly deafening level.

Noelle bounced in agitation on the balls of her feet. “Please get him down safely, Lord.” She wasn’t sure if she said the prayer aloud or inside her head. All she could do was watch blurry-eyed as the pickup riders converged on Nash. “Don’t grab his right arm,” she whimpered, leaning anxiously in their direction.

She watched as he used his left arm to vault onto the hind quarters of one of the rescue horses. From there, he slid to the ground, waving his bionic arm victoriously in the air.

The audience erupted like a volcano, shooting to their feet and cheering like maniacs. Their clapping and shouting went on for several minutes. This time, Noelle joined in. Happy tears coursed down her cheeks as Nash was led to the grandstand to accept the winning purse and silver buckle. He’d taken first place with a new personal record.

Cameras flashed, and some of his historical stats were announced in comparison to his performance this evening. Moments after that, he joined her in the VIP viewing area. She flew in his direction, and his arms came out to wrap her close.

“You weren’t supposed to cry.” His hard mouth brushed her temple. He smelled of rodeo dust, sweat, pine-scented aftershave, and sheer euphoria.

She reached up to touch his cheek, reveling in the fact that he’d completed another successful ride. Not only had he done it with a clear and visible impediment, he’d done it without incurring a scratch. Holding him now felt like holding onto a thousand answered prayers. An overwhelming sense of gratitude swept through her, shaking her all the way to her boots.

He abruptly turned his face into her hand to nuzzle her palm.

“Nash,” she whispered, feeling like every part of her was melting into him —heart, body, and soul.

“They’re so in love,” a woman sighed from somewhere nearby.

Noelle tried not to react, not sure if Nash had heard it.

The next half hour passed in a blur of yet more interviews, during which Nash kept Noelle at his side. When asked about their relationship a few times, he introduced her as his best friend.

It was like having a glass of ice cold water tossed in her face, a reminder that their appearance of togetherness this evening was nothing more than showboating for the benefit of the television cameras. Tomorrow, she and Nash would go back to being nothing more than two wounded hearts in a friendship pact.

Getting to be part of his world right now was something she would never forget, though. Not even if she wanted to.

Which she didn’t.