“That sounds like fun!” Paige agreed. “What do you think, Mom?”

Jessica shrugged innocently. “I don’t understand why you’re asking me. I’m not going to stack up all the logs in the backyard. You guys can if you want to.”

“That’s not what we mean!” Paige put her hands on her hips and gave her mother the same look she got when it was her turn to clean the bathroom.

“Oh, you want French fries to go with the hot dogs? I don’t know what’s in the freezer. You’ll have to ask Hayden.” She flipped her hands in the air, palm-up, helpless.

“Aw, come on, Jessica,” Jack pleaded.

“What?” she protested. In her peripheral vision, Jessica saw Hayden was fighting hard to keep his laughter back. “You’re old enough that I’m sure you know where the matches are.”

“Please.” Ellie stepped forward. Her dark blue eyes were just like Hayden’s, but she had mastered the ability to make them huge and pitiful. “We really want a bonfire.”

She couldn’t pretend anymore. Jessica knew exactly what they wanted. “Okay, fine! You guys get it ready to go, and then I’ll take care of it.”

Hayden cleared his throat. “Ma’am, have you called the fire department to clear that bonfire?”

“I think I know someone who can handle that.” She trailed her finger across his chest as she went into the house.

A short time later, she stepped into the backyard. Pierce had set up a folding table laden with buns, hot dogs, and condiments. Rick had pulled a cooler out of the garage and filled it with drinks, and a small tub next to the table held all the roasting forks.

“Fries are in the oven,” Hayden announced, giving her a wink. “I think it’s time.”

“Okay.” She’d been practicing, but Jessica still didn’t truly understand this power that she had. The amulet around her neck was a comfort, and she knew it was there to protect her, but she’d only just begun this journey. Walking up to the pile of logs and twigs, Jessica lifted her finger. She summoned the fire that lived within her, willing it to come forth. She bent forward and touched the nearest log, and a thin curl of smoke rose from it. A moment later, it burst into flames.

The kids cheered and quickly grabbed their roasting forks.

“I saw that.”

Jessica turned to see Verna coming around the corner of the house. She looked remarkably changed from when Jessica had first seen her. She walked with confidence, her long braid swinging behind her back. It was only the steely color of her hair and a few lines around her eyes that gave away some of her age, though her elven blood hid most of it.

“Verna!” Jessica darted toward her and pulled her into a hug. Her former patient had become like family to her now, a wise and sassy woman she truly treasured. “What are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to make sure you were all nicely settled in your new home,” she replied with a smile. “I know things haven’t always been easy for you, and I guess I just wanted to make sure you’d have some smooth sailing for a while. Are you keeping that firefighter in line, or do I need to give him a spanking?”

“Don’t worry,” Hayden said as he came up next to them. “She knows how to crack the whip.”

Jessica elbowed him. “I do not!”

Verna laughed. “I think there’s a bit of truth in all that. Now tell me, who’s the studmuffin over there.”

“Verna, this is my father, Rick Westbrook.”

“How very nice to meet you.” Rick, ever the gentleman, got to his feet and took Verna’s hand, brushing his lips against the back of it. “I’ve heard quite a bit about you.”

“Oh, now,” she said, waving her hand coyly through the air. “Don’t get your hopes up too much. I think you’re a little young for me.”

“No.” He looked at her more closely, but still he shook his head. “It’s impossible.”

“I’m a hundred and thirty-five,” Verna stated, raising a brow in a challenge. “How old are you?”

Rick folded his arms in front of his chest. “I still refuse to believe it. You couldn’t be a day over a hundred and ten.”

“You rascal!” Verna cried, laughing. “Hayden, I guess you and your family are all right after all.”

“Then come and join us,” Hayden invited. “There’s plenty of room. I don’t know if you like hot dogs, but we’ve got plenty of those, too.”

“Dad!” Ellie ran up, a steaming hot dog on her fork. “Do we have the stuff for s’mores?”