“Thanks, Mom. I’d better let you go. Love you.”
“Love you too, dear.”
Slipping out of her robe and hanging it on the back of the bathroom door, Jessica sank into the tub. The water was deliciously hot around her, and she’d arranged her bath pillow behind her so she could truly relax. She smiled as she stretched her neck and forced her muscles to loosen up. She always missed Paige when she was gone, and that day, she was at a friend’s house. Jessica had been filling those empty times with extra things she thought she should be doing, but her thought process had changed recently. She deserved some time to unwind and be alone and needed to take better advantage of her schedule.
She had everything she could need. The standard shampoo and soap weren’t enough for that day, not when she could exfoliate her entire body, massage her feet, and put on a mud mask. After all that heat, her hair could’ve used a deep conditioning treatment, too. Soft music played through her speaker, and she had a book nearby. Candles even sat on the edge of the tub, but Jessica realized she’d forgotten to light them.
Jessica twisted her lips as she moved forward in the tub and grabbed one of the candles. She didn’t know if it was safe for her to practice indoors, but of course, she was surrounded by water. If she didn’t give it a try, she’d never know. Pulling in a deep breath, she tried to channel the heated energy that had flowed through her a few days ago as she touched the cold wick. It sputtered under her fingertip, and she jerked her hand back. Jessica started to put the candle down but changed her mind. Might as well go all out. She touched it again, and it blossomed into flame.
Pleased with herself, Jessica settled back down in the tub and picked up her book again. She’d started it months ago, long enough that she no longer remembered what was happening. With a sigh, she flipped back to the first page to start all over.
That was pretty much how her life felt lately. She’d had to go all the way back to the first chapter because the story wasn’t on the same track it’d been on before. She’d moved and switched jobs, which was a big enough change for anyone. Then she’d learned there was much more inside her than just a wolf. Jessica touched the amulet that still hung around her neck. She hadn’t taken it off for fear of losing it, though that worry was starting to subside. This hunk of carnelian was a part of her just as her wolf was. Only one other change would complete the picture, but that was another matter. It’d already waited this long, and it would have to wait a little longer.
The doorbell rang, echoing through the house. Jessica closed her book but held onto it. It was probably just a delivery, and they could leave it at the door.
Just as she started to reopen her book, the bell rang again. She glared at the bathroom door. No one really ever came by, so why did they have to do it when she was soaking in the tub?
She couldn’t relax if the bell would keep ringing. Jessica stood, toweled herself off quickly, and grabbed her robe before running to the door. She clutched the thick fabric around her tightly, feeling silly for answering the door like this. Her heart leaped as she swung the door open, prepared to get rid of whoever this was, and took in the wide-shouldered man on her threshold. “Hayden.”
His eyes fell to the slight gap in the top of her robe and then quickly jerked up again. “I got a call about a fire at this address.”
“What?” There was no firetruck on the curb behind him. He wasn’t dressed in his uniform, and in fact, he looked rather hot in his polo and jeans. She smiled uncertainly, trying to push down the bubble of hope that swelled in her chest and worked its way up her throat. “There’s no fire here.”
“There most certainly is,” he insisted. His deep blue eyes were soft as they gazed at her, studying her eyes and lips. “It’s been burning since the day I met you.”
“Come in.” She stepped back and let him in, closing the door behind him so none of the nosey neighbors across the street would see her standing there in her robe.
“Listen, I know I’ve caught you off-guard. I’ve thought about how to have this conversation a thousand times and a thousand different ways. I can’t stop thinking about you. I know you’re my mate. I know we’re meant to be together, but circumstances were keeping us apart.”
“Yes. I know.” They’d said as much that day in his kitchen when they’d kissed, but it felt different now. The whole world felt different, new and fresh. “You’re not the only one who’s had so much trouble with it. I just haven’t been sure what to do.”
“I know what I’d like to do.” He reached out and pulled her close. “Now that you’re no longer Jack’s nurse, I wonder if you’d be willing to fan those flames a little higher.”
She smiled, and her heart was light. Elation moved through her wolf as it felt Hayden’s. They’d been so close for what felt like a long time, never able to truly be together. “I’d love to.”
“And I love you.” He pressed his lips to hers, recreating that kiss in his kitchen yet sending it higher. It meant more now. It was no longer a stolen kiss, something for them to dangle in front of themselves and remind them of what they couldn’t have. It was the truth and a bond. His lips were soft yet eager as he explored her mouth. His hands were far more demanding as they gripped her tightly, letting her know just how badly he wanted her. A deep grunt of desire resonated in his throat and echoed through her bones.
Jessica had tried to relax her muscles in the tub, but it was being in Hayden’s embrace that truly made her let go. She melted into him, feeling the hard lines of his body through his clothes and her robe. The scent of his cologne surrounded her, intoxicating her. He worked the tip of his tongue into her mouth, and she opened up to him, ready for whatever this relationship would bring. Their tongues twined, velvety, eager, making all the promises they hadn’t yet had the time to speak aloud.
When he pulled back, he pressed his forehead to hers. “Jessica, there’s nothing I want more than this.”
She smiled, feeling his hardness through the material between them. “I noticed.”
He laughed. “Trust me, I want you with all of my body. I want you with all of my soul, too, and the tradition in our pack is to mark our mates. I know it’s old-fashioned, and I hate to bring it up right here in the heat of the moment, but I want every part of you. I want what it would bring to the bond that we already have. You don’t have to decide right now. We’ve already waited this long to even find each other. We don’t have to be in a rush.”
“But I think I am,” she breathed, pressing a kiss to his lips. She inhaled, pulling in his scent, knowing precisely what he meant. They could have each other’s bodies, but it wouldn’t be enough. “I’m tired of waiting, and I want it all. If I’ve been denied for so long, then why should I be any longer? Although…”
He pulled back so that he could look at her properly. “What is it?”
She smiled up at him. “Isn’t it a conflict of interest for you to be with an elemental?”
Hayden tugged her tighter against him. “I always did like playing with fire.”
There was no doubt in Jessica’s mind that there truly was a fire in each of them as he kissed her again. She felt heat pouring through her body, flooding her veins and melting her heart. She wanted Hayden as only a mate could, with her mind, her heart, and her beast.
He pulled away quickly, and she barely had a chance to open her eyes before he bent to grab her waist. Hayden threw her over his shoulder and turned toward the hallway.
“What are you doing?” she squealed as the world reeled around her. The bulk of his shoulder pressed enticingly against her stomach. His hand rested easily on the backs of her thighs, keeping her balanced with little more than a touch.