“I don’t think I’ve ever had the chance to talk to an elf,” the professor mused in the backseat next to Jack. “I’m pretty excited about this.”
“So that’s what you do?” Jack asked. “You just research all the mythical creatures in the world?”
“As much as I can. Some are easier than others. Don’t forget, plenty of people consider us to be mythical.”
“You guys. Not me,” Jack corrected. “I mean, we know shifters exist. What about, like, Bigfoot or something?”
“He prefers to be called Sasquatch, and he’s quite a benevolent fellow.”
Jessica smiled as she listened to their conversation, but it wasn’t enough to override the guilt she felt right now. “Hayden, I’m sorry about all of this. I shouldn’t have gotten you involved, and now Jack is, too. We really don’t know what Darcy is capable of.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said softly, reaching over to put his hand on hers. “I couldn’t just let you do this alone, and so far, Jack seems to be having a good time. We’ll all be fine. I’ll make sure of that.”
She believed him, but Darcy was still an unknown player in this game. “Is Ellie with her mom?”
“Yes. Paige?”
“With her dad,” she confirmed. “Here we are.”
Jessica knocked since this wasn’t a regular appointment time. “Verna! It’s Jessica!” If there was no answer, Jessica wasn’t above using the code.
But the door swung open. “Good, I could use your help. I see you brought the firefighter with you.”
“Hello, Verna,” Hayden said politely.
“I hardly recognized you out of your uniform. You must be a little lost when you can’t play with your hose,” she cracked as she waved them into the house.
Jessica held back a laugh, and Hayden’s cheeks tinged pink.
“I’ve just about got everything packed, I think.” Verna hurried into the living room, where a waxed canvas bag was sitting open on the chair. She wrapped a crystal in white silk and set it carefully inside.
“Packed?” Jessica asked. She noticed Verna was up and active, nothing like the frail old woman she’d initially met. She’d changed so much. It was the last proof Jessica needed to know that Verna was sound in both mind and body. It’d only been Darcy’s evil intentions that’d kept her down.
“Yes. We have to get out of here immediately.” Verna selected a bundle of incense from a nearby table, wrapped it, and put it in the bag. “If Darcy comes for me and these apartments catch fire, I don’t want the deaths of all these geezers on my head.”
“Will she do that?” Jessica asked. “Does she know I have the amulet?”
Verna shook her head. “She only knows that I don’t, but I wouldn’t put it past her to guess. We’ve got to go someplace safe.”
“Like where? Darcy already knows where I live and where Hayden works.” Jessica racked her brain, but nothing was coming to mind. Darcy was potentially dangerous and their lives could be threatened, but it wasn’t like they could just call the police.
“I wish I knew.” Verna cinched the top of her bag shut and slung the strap over her shoulder. “I say let’s get the hell out of here and figure it out while we drive.”
They settled back into Hayden’s car, with Jack, Sean, and Verna all shoulder-to-shoulder in the backseat.
“It’s wonderful to meet you,” Sean gushed. “I’ve made a career out of studying non-human lifeforms on Earth, and I’ve never had the pleasure of speaking with an elf.”
“Flatterer,” Verna replied, though she was smiling. “You can butter me up later once we know our asses aren’t in the wringer.”
“At least she’s not likely to find us while we’re on the move,” Hayden noted. “Sean, have any ideas? Where would we be safe from someone who can control fire? And don’t say the firehouse. I know plenty about putting out plain, ordinary fires, but this sounds far more than ordinary.”
“You’re right,” Sean agreed. “Historically, elementals have been accused of starting some massive fires both within city limits and in the wild. The most important thing is not to put anyone else in danger, at least until we can figure out exactly what that amulet does.”
“Do you think it might be able to help in some way?” Jessica gently ran her fingers over the lump of it under her shirt. Recalling what happened in Hayden’s kitchen, she quickly jerked her hands away.
“Potentially. It’s got to have power of some sort if Darcy wants it so badly.”
“And we know she doesn’t have good intentions,” Hayden added. “No offense, Verna.”