“It was fun,” Jessica agreed, though Paige would never understand until she had a child of her own just how fun it’d been for her. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to go yesterday like we were supposed to. I felt bad about opting for work instead, but I needed to make sure Jack was okay.” They’d just been on their way out to start their shopping trip the day before when Hayden had called. Jessica had made the decision in an instant, and she’d known it was the right one. She didn’t want Paige to think she was less important than work, but Jack almost wasn’t work, considering Jessica’s bond to Hayden.

A thrill shot through her at the memory of kissing him, a moment that’d been on her mind almost constantly since it’d happened. Jessica had felt Hayden’s desire for her, both physically and spiritually. Their wolves recognized themselves in each other, and it felt so unfair to keep them apart. Despite their impromptu lip lock, Jessica knew they’d have to do a better job of keeping themselves in check.

“No, that’s okay.” Paige laid her new earrings a short distance from the hair accessories. She paused and looked up. “I’ve always known that you help people who were hurt, but I’ve never really thought about it being a kid. Looking at Jack, I just, I guess I know my life could be a lot harder.”

Her heart scrunched in on itself. The perspective and maturity of that statement made her both proud and sad to know just how much Paige was growing up. “Jack is going through a lot, and he’s got a long road ahead of him. I think he’s going to be okay, though. He definitely appreciated what you and Ellie did for him. That was sweet.”

“I couldn’t believe he agreed to it!” She laughed again and went for the next bag. “I actually really liked hanging out with Ellie. She’s, like, three years younger than me, but she’s pretty cool.”

“I’m glad you had a good time.” She almost wished Paige hadn’t told her that, simply because it fed into Jessica’s fantasies of just what could be in their future. Could she and Hayden ever be together and create a blended family? It wouldn’t be without its troubles, she was sure, but she still liked the idea.

By the time dinner was done, Paige had the breakfast bar loaded with all her purchases. They ate at the dining table, and Jessica reveled in the joy of simply spending time with her daughter and putting a little extra guacamole on her taco. Life had been pretty damn hard here and there, but the good moments were so good.

“I’ll get the dishes,” Paige said when they were done.

“I’ll let you. I’ll get the trash, apparently.” Jessica spotted that it was full as she swept her crumbs into it.

Carrying the bag outside, she was still smiling to herself. It’d been strange to get used to living in an apartment complex, but she didn’t mind having a large, shared dumpster they could all use. It meant she never had to remember to put the trash can down at the end of the driveway. The added benefit of not having to mow the lawn meant extra time to spend with Paige every week.

The screech of tires made her turn. A slightly battered sedan careened over to the side of the street just in front of Jessica’s apartment. The front tire slammed into the curb, making the driver jolt forward. Jessica’s instincts suggested this person was in some sort of trouble, maybe even medical. She hurried forward, ready to help, but then she recognized who was behind the wheel.

Darcy glared at her through the window, holding her gaze steady as she got out of the car and slammed the door behind her. She left the engine running, and something under the hood made a consistent tapping noise. “I know what you’re trying to do.”

Jessica’s teeth clamped together. She thought of Verna, hoping the old woman was okay. The only way Darcy could know anything was if Verna told her, but her patient had been determined that they would keep everything a secret for now. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, yes, you do.” Darcy’s eyes were wild as she advanced on Jessica, her steps long and confident.

Jessica stood her ground, knowing that someone like this would only get more aggressive if she thought she was winning. “Perhaps you should tell me.”

“I’m not playing that game,” Darcy snarled. She held one long finger out, pointing it at Jessica as if this were some sort of threat. “I know what you’re doing, and I’m not going to stand for it.”

Was she doing this to see how much information Jessica would give up? Jessica wouldn’t put it past her. She would stick to only what Darcy already knew. “Is this about the power of attorney issue? I told you I can’t do that. You’ve already spoken to my supervisor about the matter.”

“And she wasn’t any more helpful than you,” Darcy spat. “Aren’t you people supposed to be helping people when their loved ones are having trouble? You want to sit on your high horse and say you can’t do anything, but in the meantime, you’re letting Verna suffer.”

Verna wasn’t suffering at all. In fact, she’d been far more alive the last time Jessica had seen her, and she hoped the trend continued. “You may want to speak to your attorney, then. They know a lot more about legal matters than anyone else would. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m rather busy.”

“Do you really think you can just dismiss me like that?” Darcy was relentless. She had a point to make, and she wasn’t going to give up so easily. “I’m going to get what’s rightfully coming to me, and you’d damn well better not interfere unless you want to pay the price.”

Her wolf’s hackles raised. “Are you threatening me? And against doing what?” Jessica challenged. She knew Darcy would never say out loud what she was trying to do to Verna. That would be solid proof of it, and there were cameras everywhere these days. “All I’ve done is my job. Again, you’re welcome to speak to my supervisor if you have any questions or issues.”

“You’re just as delusional as Verna.”

If that was supposed to get her riled up, Darcy didn’t know her very well. She’d received far worse insults when she’d worked in the ER, and she knew Verna was much more stable than Darcy. “How do you know where I live?”

Darcy smirked. “I’m just very resourceful, which is something you ought to keep in mind from now on.” Feeling like she’d won, Darcy got back in her car. The tapping under the hood increased in speed as she sped off.

Adrenaline still flooded Jessica’s veins as she turned and went back into the house. She wouldn’t let Darcy ruin the great day she’d had with Paige. Darcy was a bit nutty, and she’d only get more difficult to deal with once she found out she couldn’t take advantage of Verna the way she wanted to. It would all come out in the wash.


“I went over everything on that truck, and I didn’t find a damn thing wrong with it.” Jason wiped his hands on a rag as he spoke to Pierce. “No leaks, no holes. The gauges are working just fine. I don’t know what to tell you.”

Pierce rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve gotta tell you, that’s not what I wanted to hear.”

“Most people don’t want the mechanic to find an issue,” Jason laughed. “I’ll be sure to overcharge you for an oil leak next time.”

“I’d appreciate it.” When Jason headed back out to the garage, Pierce came to sit next to Hayden on the sofa in the breakroom. “Well, that sucks.”