Page 29 of Avelina

“Yes, we should,” I said.

He paused. “These people are my family, but there are limits. You mustn’t try to convince them of anything while you’re there. In fact, talk as little as possible. There are definitely oardoo tenders that would report us to the Ministry if they found out you and I are . . . uh . . .”

Watching him struggle with labels was amusing, especially after he’d basically just told me to keep my big mouth shut. Granted, I did have a big mouth, but being instructed to “talk as little as possible” was insulting. I can be cool. Usually.

He sighed. “I would leave you here if I had rations for you.” He shook his head. “I never believed you’d actually be there.”

“Aaron, it’s okay. Your mother was right about me being there, so maybe she’s right about the next part too. It’ll be okay.”

He nodded, but it was more of an acknowledgment than an agreement. I had a feeling we would struggle hard before the end. I would need Aaron on my side. I just hoped that, whatever we were, it would be enough to get me home.

Chapter Nine

Linorra felt a mysterious yearning as she read the poem, so delicately etched into the wooden box. She could feel the crystal key within thrumming with power.

Aaron cracked the front door open, looking out cautiously. He listened for a full minute but didn’t hear anything. He sent Rogue out ahead, as usual, then he opened the door wide and looked out, up, and all around. When he stepped out of the doorway, he turned around to look at the spot where he’d surprised me earlier, then continued out into the garden.

I followed behind, noting that if he walked at his normal speed, then this would be a bit of a jog for me. I was exhausted, having spent a ton of energy learning to heal, but I had been running two marathons a year since I was eighteen and had been training for an ultramarathon, so I knew how to keep going when I was tired. Just put one blistered foot in front of the other.

As I closed the door behind me, Aaron checked to make sure I followed. He looked even more exhausted than I felt, though I doubted he would admit it. It was still dark out, but he had me carry the oil lantern so I could see where I stepped. He set out at a brisk pace, which did require me to jog, but he noticed and slowed down for me. I followed behind, trailing him like a lost puppy.

As I walked, the scent of the redwoods was a balm to me, my link to home. Along with Rogue, of course, who stayed close to me, nearly rubbing against my legs as I walked. With him trotting at my side, looking up at me with those amber eyes, I felt almost safe, like we were on one of our usual hikes.

“Aaron, how do you know Rogue?” I asked. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t asked that yet.

“He showed up about seven years ago,” he said. “I never knew from where. He would just come out of the Rhoya.” Aaron looked at me over his shoulder again, and, noticing my bewilderment, he translated, “The trees.” His explanation did nothing to relieve my confusion as I had previously thought “Rhoya” was a swear word.

“He would stay for a few months, then disappear.” He chuckled. “I almost shot him the first time he appeared. I thought he might be a spy for her.”


“Eve Aetos, the Holy Mother. She’s the leader of all the Rhoyal Diocese of Monash, and they worship her as a goddess.”

And now “Rhoya” refers to the Ministry? These people need a thesaurus. “I thought you didn’t believe in a god here,” I said, shaking my head.

“We don’t. There is only the goddess. They say she was born a mortal, but her spirit was so pure that she ascended to godhood and is now immortal. I’ve never seen her, but she controls everything and everyone from her palace in Neesee. Her daughter, Seleca, is her second. I believe that is the woman you called Psycho Snow White.”

“That’s who you’re hiding from?”

“Yes, and now so are you, I think,” he said.

“Why?” I asked.

“Many reasons, but the main one is that Eve wants my reservoir.”

“She what? She can steal your fragment?”

“She can steal your reservoir,” he corrected. “That is how she really became who she is, not by some kind of ascension. Eve is a greater reservoir for the Absorption fragment. She can absorb any reservoir other than Protection, and she is always looking for the ones that she doesn’t have yet, which includes both Connection and Evocation. If she finds us, she’ll try to kill us and take those two reservoirs. Unless she does us all a favor and steals Seleca’s Connection. She’s the only other one I know of who has that reservoir.”

“If she kills you, she can steal it?”

“Protection prevents her from absorbing it while you’re alive, but yes, it can be done at the moment of death, even if you’re protected. Or, if you voluntarily let her past your Protection it can also be done. Seleca has absorbed more than one reservoir that way. She tried to do that to me when I was sixteen. I’m the only one I know of who has Evocation. I didn’t even know it existed until I accidentally burned down my father’s barn. My mother had to explain it to me. It runs in the family, I guess.”

“But why do they need so many reservoirs? What is the goal?” I asked.

He shrugged. “I don’t know. She already controls all of Monash. She doesn’t need any more power.”

Ask him more about Rogue.