Page 66 of Soul Keeper

Zephyr broke into a wide grin as he bade farewell to the life he’d once wanted. “I’m going to be a hero. A real hero!”

Without another word, Zephyr raced towards the pandemonium. He leaped over fallen tables, slid past melting ice sculptures, and searched through panic-stricken crowds. With every step, he let his heart guide him, as he sought to find a lone figure within the chaos.

“Iris!” Zephyr called out for her, summoning his winds to carry his plea. “Iris, where are you?”

“Get off me, you oversized brute!”

Zephyr’s blood turned cold as Iris’ voice echoed from the darkness. He turned to see a flash of her technicolor hair as the Titan snatched her in its claws, holding her tight with a vice-like grip.

“Iris!” Zephyr called out fearfully as the Titan released a plume of fire that singed the surrounding air. “Just, hold on!”

“Wind man?” Iris glanced at Zephyr in surprise, before she folded her arms and shot him a formidable glare. “I’m surprised a hero like you has time for the riff-raff like me.”

“I’m sorry, Iris.” Zephyr held her gaze beseechingly. “Please, let me help.”

Iris’ eyes narrowed, while her lips pursed with indecision. But as an earth-shattering roar from the Titan echoed through the palace, she groaned in defeat.

“Fine. If you want to help, you can start by teaching this brute some manners.” She held her nose as the Titan dangled her towards his jaws. “His breath stinks!”

“Perhaps it would be best to avoid insulting the Titan until we get you down from there…” Zephyr gulped as the dragon turned its reptilian eyes towards him, before he cleared his throat and summoned what little courage remained. “I say, you there! Would you be an awfully good fellow and release her this instant… if you don’t mind?”

Zephyr yelped as the Titan released a bellowing roar that shook his bones. He staggered backwards from the force, and whimpered as the giant creature approached. He racked his brains, trying to find a solution to free Iris, and end the darkness once and for all. But right now, he needed a miracle.

Zephyr drew a startled breath as a flash of golden light filled the air. At first, he thought it was a comet, or a shooting star. But his eyes widened as the light neared, until two figures sped towards him.

“I warned you that nothing good would come from Spooks’ jelly parties with the Titans.” Zephyr looked in surprise as the winds carried the bickering of a familiar pair of voices. “Now, let’s get you back to Tartarus, where you belong.”

Zephyr watched as Shadow and Zoe soared through the air in their spectral forms, their bodies shimmering in a magical dance of light and shadow. The darkness rippled at Shadow’s command, until thick vines ensnared the Titan’s legs, trapping it in place.

“What the…”

The Titan roared in fury and thrashed in a savage display of strength. Deep fractures emerged along the vines as they struggled to restrain the formidable beast, before it gathered a plume of flame within its jaws. But before the Titan could release its blow, a flash of stardust filled the air, until another couple approached.

“Looks like you need a helping hand.” Locke broke into a roguish grin as he flipped a coin between his fingers. “A sprinkle of Lady Luck’s magic should help even the odds.”

With a joyful laugh, he surfed along a golden path of stardust, while Thea raced beside him. Together, they soared past the Titan in a flash, disorientating it until it staggered backwards from the blinding light.

“That oversized brute has two left feet!” A third voice echoed from the heavens, as a pair of birds sped through the clouds. “And I, for one, think it’s time it left the spotlight.”

A pair of gold and silver birds burst through the clouds as Luc and Calli flew on the backs of their familiars. The creatures gathered a magical energy within their beaks, before they struck the Titan in an explosion of light. But despite the onslaught, the great beast roared once more, and lashed out with its gigantic tail.

“It’s time for you to return to whatever depths you’ve come from.” A voice called from deeper in the palace, until the sound of galloping hooves echoed across the marble floors. “Perhaps this will change the tides of this battle.”

Zephyr watched in amazement as Kai and Cora raced through the palace on two horses. He waved to Meg as she whinnied in greeting, while Kai’s magnificent white stallion charged towards the Titan. Together, they wove a fishing net across the great beast, binding it in place. It reached towards them with its giant jaws, its fangs snapping as it tried to devour them in one fell swoop.

“I’ve spent my life fighting toothier monsters than you.” A pair of winged figures soared from the heavens, a golden light radiating from heart-shaped pendants at their chests. “And with the light of love, we’ll banish you back to the darkness where you belong.”

With a roar, Valentine and Elle flew towards the beast, striking it with golden blades of light. It reeled from the impact, before it bellowed with a deadly fury. But Zephyr braced itself as the Titan gathered a plume of flame in its jaws. The creature might be wounded, but it could still burn Olympus to a crisp.

“Looks like things are heating up around here.” A gravelly voice reverberated through the skies, followed by the beating of wings. “Which means we’re just in time.”

A flash of gold sped through the heavens like a comet, as a golden dragon soared towards the Titan. Ash roared in greeting, before releasing a fireball of golden flame, while Ember hurled a javelin from her perch on his back. Zephyr watched in awe as they struck the creature of darkness, until its body began to fade from the onslaught. But he gasped as the beast tore free from its restraints and beat its wings, trying to make its escape with Iris still clutched firmly in its claws. He braced himself as the Titan’s wings summoned powerful gusts of wind that tore through the palace, until dark storm clouds billowed in the surrounding skies.

“So much for the calm before the storm.” A deep voice reverberated through the skies like a peal of thunder, as the pitter patter of rain fell from the heavens above. “Hold on to your umbrellas. Something tells me it’s going to be one hell of a ride!”

The thunderous revving of motorcycle engines echoed through Olympus as the Stormchasers sped through skies. Together, Tempest and Zed raced towards the Titan in a blur of pure speed, until they struck the creature with a pair of lightning bolts. A plume of smoke engulfed the creature, until its howls shook the foundations of Olympus. But as the smoke cleared, Zephyr cursed as the creature remained standing. A deadly fury blazed within its eyes, until it turned to Iris with a snarl.

“Hey, let go of her, you big bully!”