I couldn’t blame her. After all, Rena had her happy ever after now.
We all added when we felt like it, and yes, we rated them, too. I admit, I had a sort of obsession with fictional men as our unofficial Book Boyfriends I’d loved to Fuck Club, or BBILF, as we called it, could attest too.
What could I say?
No one did it for me the way those unhinged fictional SOBs did between the pages. And that was probably because it was mostly women writing them.
Go figure.
The point was everyone had their own thing that drove them wild.
Whether it was tattoos, an accent, age gap, roleplaying, or, well, whatever, and that was all fine and good.
We gave our prospects three chances to prove their potential and then went from there.
We couldn’t dismiss a man after one date because there simply wasn’t enough information to do so unless he was completely gross. And I didn’t mean looks, I wasn’t that shallow. I meant behavior wise.
Men who were constantly late without explanation or who stood their women up. Men who didn’t know a compliment from their assholes. And men who, God forbid, thought the female orgasm was a myth.
Those dudes could fuck right off.
As long as we avoided any men who were emotionally unavailable, already involved with another woman, or unhealthily attached to his mother. And liars. We all wanted to avoid liars.
“You’re better off, sweetie. What do you say? Wanna come for a visit?” Jan was still talking, and I felt guilty for not really listening.
“No thanks, Jan. It’ll be Valentine’s Day in a few and you know it’s my busiest time of year after the holidays. Besides, there’s this new health inspector who keeps showing up for surprise inspections. He is driving me bonkers,” I told her.
“Fine. But call me later. And report that inspector. Clearly, he is being stalkery,” she said tartly.
“Oh my God, stop. He’s just doing his job.”
“Uh huh. You are too nice, Del. Oh! I have an idea, maybe you should go next door and shoot some whiskey with that sexy guy who owns the bar? He’d put you in a better mood for sure,” Jan said, only half joking.
“I am hanging up now,” I told her before clicking end call on my phone.
I made the mistake of telling Jan about my handsome, yet taciturn neighbor, and now she managed to bring him up in almost every conversation.
Sonny Delgado was fire.
I meant that in every sense of the word. The man was hotter than Hades himself. Just thinking of his name sent tendrils of awareness coursing through my blood.
And that right there was why me and Pete were never going to work.
IChecked the time and let out a sigh. I’d spent too much time chatting with Jan and now I was behind.
The extra staff I hired to sell chocolates during prime business hours and to box orders that needed to be shipped the next day had already left for the evening.
I wasn’t there to wait on customers, so my front doors were closed. I was there to mix and mold fine chocolates and candies for the store and my thriving online shop.
I wasn’t kidding when I told Jan this was my busy season.
Eyebrows raised, I looked over the list of items we sold out of, and my belly warmed with satisfaction.
There was nothing like a job well done—well, except for maybe one thing, and I hadn’t had any of that in a very long time.
But my dry spell was my own fault. Really, I’d been avoiding doing the deed with Pete.