I so did not need a hard on while I approved the finishing touches on the décor for the tasting.

Valentine’s Day was always hit or miss for the bar scene, but we’d already seen a steady influx of customers and curiosity about the goings ons in the party rooms was booming.

This was going to be fucking great for business, and for my label. I just needed Blair Group on board.

Now, while those were all super fucking important to me, the thing that really had my pulse racing and palms sweating was a certain box burning a hole in my pocket. I looked at the clock.

It was almost time for me to leave and get ready. Buck had the final setup instructions as per Delanie, and her friend Jan was coming by to help.

I wished I could go pick her up, but she insisted on meeting me at the bar. I had to take ten deep breaths to calm myself or else I risked crashing my truck. I was that fucking nervous.

As it was, I drove home in half the time it normally took. Showered, shaved, with a splash of cologne on my face, I headed back to The Whiskey Bar, bouquet of brightly colored Gerbera daisies in hand.

Delani had told me once that she loved them, and I remembered. I just hoped she didn’t mind they weren’t roses.

Fuck. Maybe I should have gotten both?

Oh well. Too late.

I shifted into park, exited my vehicle, and headed into the bar. Flurries had already started to fall, but I didn’t feel the cold.

Why should I? I was so fucking hot to see my sweet Delani, I could have been at the North fucking Pole, and I wouldn’t have felt it.

I should have been excited about the tasting, but all I could think about was her. Picturing her laying across my bed last night, I groaned out loud.

She was so beautiful and perfect. Like a bolt of ivory silk spread cutting across the dark sheets, spread out for my pleasure—and hers, too.

Definitely hers.

I made fucking sure of it.

Was it normal for a man to be so hell bent on pleasing a woman? I had no idea, but if not, it fucking should be.

Christ, when she came, it was like a choir of angels ringing in my ears. She made the sexiest damn noises I ever heard.

“Sonny Delgado?” a woman purred in my ear.

I turned with a blank expression on my face that twisted into a frown. The woman placed two hands on my arm and my skin positively burned with the need to push her off.

I was a business owner, though, and I shouldn’t be rude. Still, I needed her to stop fucking touching me.

The stranger was slightly younger than me, with thin, long, straight hair. She wore a lot of heavy makeup and an expensive black dress.

I didn’t recognize her. She was nice looking if you liked that sort of thing. Which I didn’t. I removed her hands from my arm and turned on a polite, business smile.

“Yeah, I’m Sonny Delgado. What can I do for you, miss?”

“Cynthia Blair of Blair Investment Group,” she replied. “And you look every bit as good in person as you do on your website, Sonny.”

The woman raised her eyebrows and stepped back, looking me over from head to toe like I was a piece of meat before offering her hand.

I wasn’t a fan of the possessive glint in her eye. The kind that said I looked like a challenge she’d enjoy.

No fucking thanks.

I was not interested in her or anyone other than Delani. And I sincerely doubted I would be ever again.

Oddly enough, that didn’t scare me.