“I promise to make this a Valentine’s Day you won’t forget, Delani Whitman. Just say yes.”
I already knew my answer. I didn’t have to think about it. Without hesitation, I launched myself at him, trusting Sonny to catch me.
And he did. Hell yes, he did.
Maybe this man really was special. Maybe we were as good together as he said we were.
It was early days yet, but I was willing to give it a try. To give us a try.
“Is that what you wanted to ask me?”
“Yeah,” he confirmed, canting his head to the side.
“Sonny,” I whispered, biting my lip as my pulse ran away with me. “Yes, I will be your date for Valentine’s Day, but on one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“You let me help for the tasting,” I said, my own mind churning with a dozen ideas on how to add the right touches to his very important event.
“Baby, you don’t have to do that.”
“I know that. That’s why I want to. What do you say?”
He pulled me into his hard body, and I wrapped my hands around his neck, watching that smile I was starting to really, really like tug at the corner of his lips.
“To you? Baby, my answer is always yes. Come here and kiss me, Del.”
I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt. Sonny was responsible for that. I could only hope I made him happy as well.
The rumbling growl coming from his throat as he spread biting kisses along my neck told me I did.
Looked like I was getting everything I always wanted.
Business was good. My neighbor problems handled. And I had Sonny.
For the first time, I think I was gonna have a good Valentine’s Day.
Cheers and catcalls sounded from outside the bar, and I giggled when Sonny turned and yelled at everyone to get back to work with faux anger.
He was so affectionate, and right there in his bar where anyone could see us through the glass doors and the large picture window that gave others a view into the party room.
He’d kissed me in front of his staff and early afternoon customers.
That had to mean something, right?
I sure hoped it did.
We spent the next hour partaking in the locally provided feast Sonny had thrown together, and I had to admit he did a superb job.
We even invited my employees over, and his as well, to come in when they had free time to grab a plate and try some themselves.
It was just fantastic. We talked and laughed, and it was just so nice to be with someone without all that fake dating crap.
Sonny stayed next to me, and always seemed to brush his leg against mine, or teasing one of the curls that escaped my ponytail.
It was like he couldn’t stop himself, and I wondered what he would say if I told him I was hooked, too.