Especially right then, as I looked into his impossibly dark eyes and felt my chest grow tight and my heart stuttering.

“Del, I need to ask you a question,” he said.

Warning bells sounded, but I swallowed. Maybe this wasn’t a bad thing.

I felt excitement rolling off him in waves. Surely, Sonny had some good news he wanted to share.

Hold on to your panties, girl. Let the man talk.

“Well, what is it?”

“I know you are busy, like super busy. But I have a business proposal and I am hoping you will consider it.”

“Okay, tell me,” I said, smiling at him.

He was practically vibrating with energy. Like my own personal sun.

Ha! Sonny was my personal sun.

I was a poet, and I didn’t know it. Derry out front must have gotten to him, cause he was wearing a hairnet, despite the short hair, an apron, and rubber gloves.

He was still sexy as fuck. And just like that, I knew I was dangerously close to losing my heart to him.

“No. Not here. At lunch. Come to the bar at noon, okay? I’ll have it all set up and we’ll talk then,” he said, closing the distance between us.

I barely had time to gasp before he grabbed my cheeks and dropped a short, but hot kiss on my lips before running back out the door.

Hot. Damn.

Why did I even bother with panties anymore?

The man was fine as fuck and more than capable of drenching my cotton skivvies in seconds flat.

My head was spinning and my body aching, but somehow, I was able to refocus on what I was doing.

An hour later, Derry, my employee of the month, came into the back room where I was finishing up the last batch of Cherry Bombs.

I was just setting the last of the ten trays I’d made filled with the scrumptious morsels on a rack to set when I spied her just watching me.

She was an older woman with a cherubic face and gorgeously thick gray hair. She had the most beautiful complexion, and every day I tried to pry beauty secrets out of her, but she laughed it off as good genes.

Anyway, I just adored her.

“What is it, Derry?” I asked, eyebrows raised.

“Your sexy neighbor, Mr. Sonny Delgado, bought about three hundred dollars’ worth of chocolate before leaving. Did you know that?”

“He did what?” I asked, eyes bugging out of my head.

“Yep. He was all smiles too, and he tipped me with a hundred-dollar bill,” Derry informed me.

“No, he did not!” I replied, completely taken aback.

Sonny and I had this weird sort of standoffish thing going ever since I opened. He didn’t come into my shop, and I avoided his bar.

I wasn’t a big drinker anyway, and whiskey wasn’t my thing.

I knew we were, well, I didn’t know what we were, actually. He didn’t exactly make announcements or ask me to be his girlfriend—ohmygawd, was I like twelve or something? I rolled my eyes.