This asshole inspector had hung around all day, and from what I was hearing, she hadn’t invited him to.
Not that it would have mattered.
I could be a real fucker when I didn’t get my way, although I preferred the word tenacious. Even if Delani had told him to stay, I’d have still found a way to kick his ass to the curb.
I’d been trying to go slow. To not scare her with my freaky ass possessive side, but that right there was where my patience ended.
I was not into sharing.
Something my mother told me was because I was an only child. It was a tough lesson for others to learn. A born brawler, I didn’t mind getting my hands dirty.
Besides, I hadn’t had a good fight in at least a year. Not since a bunch of rowdy fucks picked a fight at the last location I’d been working.
My fingers itched to pummel this degenerate loser, using his position of authority to hustle my sweet Delani.
“I told you to call me Brad, sweetheart,” a male voice said from behind the alleyway entrance to the chocolate store. “And I can think of a few other things.”
I heard intent in the man’s voice and was already pulling the door to go inside, but it was locked.
The sound of something being knocked to the ground was followed by Delani’s emphatic shout.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Don’t play hard to get, sweetheart. You’re like all the rest. You know you want it,” the inspector said.
Blind rage fueled my next movements, and I took two steps back before using my shoulder as a battering ram.
One hit and the door flew open, splintered wood rained everywhere.
“Get your fucking hands off her,” I snapped, crossing the space to where that piece of shit had Delani backed against the counter.
He’d pinned her hands to her sides and was using his weight to hold her there. I startled him with my intrusion into the shop, and the second he backed off, Delani moved.
She punched the asshole right in the jaw, and fuck, seeing her do that got me hard.
Her blue eyes flashed like sapphires in her anger, but once she locked them on me, I saw relief and something more elusive sweep across her face.
“Hey! That’s assault! You’re a witness!” the man screamed.
“The fuck I am,” I snarled and closed the distance, adding a left hook to the man’s injuries.
“Are you okay?” I asked her, and she nodded, running into my arms.
I hadn’t even realized I’d opened them, but of course I did. She was my girl. And this asshole was two seconds from knocking on death’s door.
I hugged her tight, kissed her head, and held her for a beat while she pulled herself together.
“Shit. Sorry, he was just, ugh, thank you, Sonny,” she murmured.
“I will always come for you, my beautiful badass, Del.”
The piece of shit inspector picked himself off the floor, but before I could properly threaten him, Buck was there, dragging him outside. I nodded at him, keeping my arms around a shivering Del.
“I got this, bro. You two need to have a chat.”
My big, burly best friend had connections to certain organizations that looked out for their own. I didn’t know much about them.
It wasn’t my business.