Page 3 of Jabarri

“I know you are angry, and I am sorry,”

“I’m not angry.”

If I were her, I would have been moved away from my parents, but for some reason, she and Camryn have chosen to stay under their parents.

“Please, I know you well enough to be able to tell when you are angry, Jabarri. I don’t like making you angry, I will think more about it okay. Don’t be mad, I love you,” she says, covering my hand with hers on the gear shift.

“I love you, too,” I flip my hand over to grasp hers and give it a gentle squeeze. She can always talk me off the ledge effortlessly. We talk about dinner, laughing at her parents' antics until we get to the restaurant. However, I do not feel like seeing her parents peeking out of the window with watchful eyes.

“Are you coming in?” she asks me when I pull into her driveway.

“Naw, not tonight. We have a lot to do tomorrow, so I better be getting home,”


“I’m just tired, Nat, that’s all.”

“Ok,” she says, obviously not believing me, and I don’t blame her. I think I have experienced every emotion tonight but I really am tired at this point.

Getting out of the car I walk around to help her out of the car and walk her to her door. Pulling her into my arms for a hug, I kiss her on the forehead and wait for her to go into the house safely before I head back to my car.

I take the scenic route home. I am tired, but I am in no hurry to get back home. Before I realize what I am doing, I am sitting in front of her house. I have been worried about her, but I know it’s not my place to check in on her, and I am sure she wouldn’t want my help. I can remember the first time I saw her, tiny, beautiful, and mean as a damn rattlesnake, and I was halfway in love instantly. Then, her girlfriend walked in and shit went downstairs immediately. I acted an ass, she acted an ass, and I thought I was reading her wrong that she wasn’t attracted to me, but when she melted into me at Peter’s wedding, I knew it wasn’t one-sided. But Joseph called me out on my shit, and I knew then I had to pull back before I made things worse.

I made peace with it for the first time in my life, not getting what I wanted. I tried to be somewhat cordial to her. I started dating a lot until I met Natalie, and just like the bitch that she is, the universe saw fit to have her and her girlfriend break up. So now I’m the one in a relationship, and she’s single. When we got the call to come to the house because something was wrong with her, I had never in my life been so terrified before. When I saw her broken, hurt, and devastated. I wanted to go on a killing spree but ripping her house back to the studs helped. I wanted to be there for her to help her through this, but I kept my distance, and here I am sitting outside of her house like a stalker. I shouldn’t be here, I think, before I put the car in drive and head home before I do something I won’t regret.



“What’s for dinner?” I ask our resident chef.

“Like it matters, we both know you are going to eat whatever I make,” Jaasiel responds.

“I swear, since you got married, your mouth has gotten smarter,” I tell him, frowning at him.

“Have you met my wife? She brings out the best in me,” he says as he pulls out his pasta machine and I realize it’s going to be a pasta night. I look at the ingredients on the counter and I figure out what he is cooking.

“I have indeed met your wife, and like I have told you several times before, you’re lucky I didn’t see her first,” I say, grinning at him and he rolls his eyes at my words.

“You’re not man enough for Parker, hell I’m barely man enough for her,” he says and we both laugh at his words.

“Fettuccine alfredo? Isn’t that Skai’s favorite meal?”

“I am not even going to ask how you know that,” he replies side eyeing me as he kneads his pasta dough. “But yes, it is alfredo and yes it is her favorite meal. I shouldn’t be telling you this but Parker heard from Brooklyn that Skai is really struggling with the breakup so I wanted to cheer her up,” he says.

“Y’all have her so spoiled. Savvy and her brothers started it and all of you reinforce it,” I say, acting like I am not bothered by the fact that she is not doing well.

“It’s okay that we spoiled your ass though, huh. Mom and Dad started it, and we reinforced it, but that’s cool, though, right,”

“That’s different,”

“Oh really? Please tell me how?”

“Never mind,” I say, not wanting to get into a debate I know I would lose cause there really is no difference, and from the smirk on his face I know he knows I don’t have a leg to stand on.

“So, is Natalie coming?”

“No, I asked. She declined.”