Page 6 of Unplanned Love

“No problem, leave it to me.” I make sure the girls eat while they are drinking. We don't want anyone passing out because they are drunk or dehydrated. There's plenty of water for them too.

Two hours later, the girls are all ready, and they look fabulous. The photographer has been taking photos of them while they relax and get ready. Some of the shots are beautiful, and it makes me think of what my special day is going to be like. Will I ever relax enough to let someone else plan my wedding? Who knows, but it won't be for a while. I need to find the right man for me first. It would help if I didn't work so much and had a social life. Who needs one when I get to spend most weekends with couples who are in love and look at me like I am their world?

“Right, who is ready to get married?” I shout into the room, and Jess puts her hand up. “You know the drill, you know where we are going and everything, yeah?”

“Yes, we went through it,” Jess says, shaking a little bit.

“Ladies, if you want to leave now so that Jess can have a moment to herself. She is meeting her Dad by the stairs where he is going to walk her down.”

Her mother kisses her on the cheek and gives her a quick hug. “See you when you're a married woman.” I can see tears in her eyes, and when she passes me, I give her a couple of tissues. I'm always prepared for anything.

When it's just me and Jess, I take her hands. “Close your eyes. Think of Rory and how nervous he is going to be, wondering if you are going to turn up. He is stood at the altar waiting for you. Now take a deep breath and breathe out on the count of one, two, three. Perfect.” We do this a couple of times, and then she opens her eyes.

“I'm ready to marry the man of my dreams.” She smiles at me, and I open the door for her. Standing on the other side is the photographer and her dad.

“You look stunning, Jess. So beautiful. Rory is a lucky man. I might just have to remind him when I have to hand you over to him.”

Jess has tears, and I pass her a tissue too.

“Don't make her cry, her makeup needs to be perfect,” I say as the photographer gets a close up of the two of them. They both laugh, and I know that picture is going to be superb.

Her dad walks her down the stairs, the photographer is clicking away, and her bridesmaid stands waiting for her.

This is the part where I take a back step for a while. Jess is the belle of the ball; she is the one who needs all of the attention. I open the door as the music starts. The bridesmaid walks through first, and then she is followed by Jess and her dad.

My eyes lock with Ryan's. He's not looking at Jess; he's looking directly at me, and my heart stutters slightly. God, he looks handsome today, even more so than last night. He smiles at me, and I'm lost in the feeling of that night we spent together. I watch as Jess walks down the aisle.

Then I hear her dad say, “You're a lucky man, Rory, and don't you ever forget it.”

I laugh; he said it.

Closing the door, I lean against it while the ceremony is happening. What the hell was that from Ryan? Do I need to make sure I stay away from him? Or is he just pissed that I walked out on him the next morning? Whatever it is, it can't go any further.

During the ceremony, I slip away to make sure the drinks are ready for when they walk out of that room as a married couple. When I hear a cheer in the room, myself and Alison open the doors so that everyone can file out. There are a couple of waiters who have silver trays filled with champagne, and they hand them out to the guests.

I watch as everyone talks to the bride and groom, and that's when I slip off, leaving Alison, just in case they need anything. Walking down the plush-carpeted corridor, I don't hear anyone behind me, but I feel their presence when I step backward to open the door.

My body crashes with what feels like a brick wall, and I slowly look up. I don't need to see who it is; I can smell him. It's the same aftershave he had on in Vegas. Ryan.

“Sorry, I'm working and need to check on the dinner details.” I don't look at him.

He puts his finger under my chin and lifts my face so that I am looking straight into his eyes. They were one of the things that drew me to him in the first place. They are bright blue, and I could lose myself in them. Along with his hair that is slightly unruly, he looks more like a surfer boy than a businessman.

“Look at me, Lily.” His voice is low and gravelly, and I hate the way my sex twitches to the sound.

“What do you want, Ryan? We had a great time, and then I left Vegas. It's in the past. This is one day, and we can be civil, right?”

He has a smile on his face. “Lily, what a night we had. I haven't stopped thinking about it. About you. Seeing you last night reignited something inside me, and I need you.” He moves closer to me.

I put my hand on his chest to stop him. “I am a professional and have never or would ever sleep with one of the guests at a wedding that I am being paid to organize. Now if you will excuse me, I have things to do.” I try to push past him but can't; he's too strong. “Ryan.” I warn.

He leans down to speak in my ear. “I love how you say my name, especially when you asked me to fuck you harder. Do you remember that, Lily? I do and it makes me hard just thinking about it. I know you are professional and will stand back so that you can do your job, but as soon as you are off the clock, you are mine. I'm not letting you go this time.”

“Ryan, you’re being ridiculous. We had one encounter.”

“I know you regret running out on me and not getting my number. I regret that I didn't hold you tight all night, so that you didn't run. Who knows where we would be now, instead of being back at square one.”

Without any warning, he leans in and kisses me on the lips. Not just a peck; he makes love to my lips and it brings back the butterflies and memories of that night. I respond, because how can I resist? Then he pulls away. “That is just a taste of what there is to come later. I won't pressure you while you are working, but once you are finished, you're mine and no one else's.” He leans back into me, his voice hot on my ear. “I can't wait to hear you beg me to fuck you later. I loved the way you said my name when you came hard on my cock.”