I'm amazed at how we ever managed to get the flared, poufy skirt of her dress into the car’s limited interior.

Finally, she and the dress tumble out, and I catch her. We link arms and stand on the red carpet outside. She smiles graciously for the cameras. I spend more time eyeing her instead of looking at the paparazzi, and I marvel at the perfection of her stunning face and pregnant figure.

It's been a month since my operation and the swell of her belly is even more noticeable.

After a few more snapshots, we're swallowed by the sound of music, glasses tinkling, and crowds of laughing, dancing people.

A loud voice booms. “Prince Cedrick and Princess Eleanora.”

“Oh, look. The Prince and Princess are here.”

“She looks lovely in blush pink.”

The greetings fly from all around us.

“Everyone is here,” I say almost to myself.

“It sure is a full house,” Ellie remarks.

“All for you,” I tell her, and she smiles nervously. “You’re perfect.”

She follows my lead as we wave at the furthest people and shake hands with the closest.

“No. But we’re perfect together.”

As I lead her to the dancefloor, I hope she'll stay this happy, because I have a few more surprises planned for her. Tonight, the plans all come to fruition, and they’ve been in the works for a month.

Soon we're joined by others on the dance floor.

“About time you showed up,” Caesar says with a slap on my back. Christian comes up next to him and hugs me.

Vivienne, Caesar’s wife, steals Ellie away to dance, and I laugh at myself for missing her immediately when she leaves my side.

Once they’re safely gone, chatting with other members of the family, Caesar covertly slips the ring box into my hand.

I put the box in my breast pocket and tap it from the outside, confirming it's still there.

“Thanks, Caesar. It means a lot to have your help.”

He nods with a smile. After a few more songs, everyone is seated for the formal dinner. Halfway through, the action stops as the King takes the podium.

He taps the mic and the room winces, which makes him laugh. The Solvarian colors across his breast shake from it.

“Now that my mic and I have your attention…”

Everyone laughs.

He takes a moment to look around as the room comes to a hush again.

“It is my deepest pleasure to welcome you all to this gala. As always this is a night of joy, laughter and giving. We've come here to not only enjoy ourselves but to share what we have with those less fortunate than us. The older I get—and contrary to popular belief I'm actually a very old man…”

More laughter floats through. Ellie and I turn to chuckle together. I take her hand in mine and graze her knuckles against my lips.

“...the more I recognize the value of giving back, of service, and rendering aid to the truly vulnerable. I know that each and every one of you here feels the same way. But two people here, the two we’re celebrating tonight, have devoted their lives to this cause. My daughter in law, Princess Eleanora Vanecourt, and my son, Prince Cedrick.”

I rise to my feet and help her up, then gesture to pull the attention where it belongs, on her.

“You’ll hear from them soon. But first, I’d like to invite my other sons.”