“How are you feeling?”

“Fine. How are you?”

“Good. I brought you some flowers. Thought it might lift your spirits a little.” I hold out the vase.

“You can put them on the bedside table.” She points, then returns to her phone.

“Anything else, Your Majesty? For someone who doesn’t like royal ostentation…”

I leave before she can say something else. I’m not in the mood. Her grouchiness is contagious.

I give Ishmael a call. “Dude, what should I do? It’s like Jekyll and Hyde here.”

“Maybe hide?”


“I thought so.” He chuckles. “What’s going on?”

“My guess? Pregnancy hormones. But basically, I’m Satan. That’s what it feels like.”

“Hmm. I don’t envy you.”

“Thanks. But what should I do?”

“Hmm.” He stops to think. “I mean, my wife abandoned me when she was pregnant, so unfortunately, this isn’t something I have experience with.”

“No, believe me, you’re fortunate.”

“But my advice would be to give her time. And space. Everything’s new for her, and she’s not used to being in this… situation.”

“But what if she thinks I’m avoiding her? Or resentful?”

“Do what you can to support her, but don’t make it worse. Not that I’m perfect. We’re all flying blind here.”

I sigh. “That does make me feel better, at least.”

Throughout the day, I struggle with keeping my distance. It's such a different dynamic from what we’ve had the last few weeks.

Later that evening I catch her in the kitchen going through cupboards and the refrigerator to try to cobble together a meal.

“Hey there,” I say cautiously. “The cinnamon removal has been successful. Not a trace in the bedroom.”

She doesn’t look at me. “I don’t want to risk it though. I think the guest bedroom is better.”

She pulls a box of crackers from a drawer and pours herself a glass of water.

“Sure. We can sleep in the guest room.”

She shakes her head. “I'd rather be alone tonight, if that's okay.”

She starts to walk out with her box hugged to her chest, holding her water.

“Wait,” I say, and she turns around.

“Not tonight, Cedrick. I'm undernourished and overwhelmed. The last thing I need is another fight.” She says this without even facing me. Then she’s gone.

At least I’m not confused anymore about what we are. Right now, she’s barely tolerating me.