I feel a wave of excitement, which is quickly followed by nervousness. I’m beyond thrilled that I’m about to become a father, but it’s still nerve-racking, considering I’m new to all of this. I just want to do everything right.

Six hours later, Ellie’s contractions are four minutes apart, and the pain appears to have increased by a lot.

“I think we should go to the hospital now,” she says, still breathless from the last contraction.

“I’ll call the driver to bring the car around. You stay here, and I’ll grab the baby bag.”

After texting the driver, I cross the hall and walk into the nursery, grabbing the bright yellow bag that we packed with everything we’d need for the hospital.

Before leaving, I look around the room, unable to contain my smile. By this time tomorrow, we could be all settled in with our newborn baby. Just the thought of it makes me feel giddy.

When I get back to the room, Ellie looks exhausted. The contractions have really been getting to her for the last hour.

My phone buzzes, and a quick look tells me that the driver is out front.

“Okay, let’s go. He’s waiting for us.”

I sling the bag over my shoulder and offer her my other arm to lean against as she walks. She takes it, and we make our way downstairs and into the car.

“Queen Amaranta Hospital,” I tell the driver.

“Oh fuck,” Ellie says, clutching her belly. “Another one.”

“I feel like that was three minutes that time.”

“Well then I guess it’s a good thing we’re going to the hospital,” she says through gritted teeth.

I hold her hand, rubbing my thumb across her skin in a soothing motion.

By the time we reach the hospital, her contractions are definitely three minutes apart. I help her out of the car and walk into the emergency room, where we’re quickly checked in and guided to a birthing suite.

A nurse walks in, a huge smile on her face.

“Hi, Cedrick and Ellie. How’s everything going?”

“Good, my water broke six hours ago, and my contractions have been progressing pretty quickly ever since. They’re three minutes apart as of fifteen minutes ago.”

“Okay, well let’s take a look!”

The nurse gets Ellie set up and starts assessing her.

“Good news! You’re already dilated to five centimeters! Is this your first child?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Well, it might take a while for you to get to ten since it’s your first, but you’re already halfway there! And don’t feel like you have to lie here the whole time. If you’d like to get up and walk around, that might actually help. Sometimes exercise can speed things up a bit.”

“Thank you,” I tell the nurse.

After giving us some more information, she leaves the room. Ellie grabs my arm and squeezes.

“Cedrick? I’m scared.”

“I know, baby. I’ll stay calm for the both of us. It’s okay to be scared.”

I lean down and press my lips into hers, hoping to offer her some kind of distraction. She takes the bait, leaning into me. I let the kiss progress until we’re both out of breath.

The look on her face when I pull away reminds me of the way she looked after we kissed at our first wedding. I remember that face perfectly, as if it were only yesterday. It was that face that gave me hope for the future.