Suddenly, she stops.

“Realized you still hate it?”

“No, no.” Her hand goes to her lower back, and an expression of pain shoots across her face.


She looks up at me, confusion on her face. She resumes chewing, and swallows before replying.

“I think I just had a contraction.”

“Are you sure it’s not just Braxton-Hicks again?”

“No, no, this was different. The Braxton-Hicks didn’t hurt like this. It’s like a really bad period.”

“What do you want to do?”

“I think we can wait on going to the hospital. Let’s just see if it keeps happening.”

“Okay. We should time them, right?”

“Yeah, definitely. That one happened at about one thirty-two.”

I stand up and walk around the table. Once I reach her, I run a hand through her hair and place a kiss on the top of her head. “I’m so excited.”

“Me too,” she says, looking up at me and smiling.

“I’ll let my driver know to be on standby.”

“Good idea.”

“So, I guess no baby clothes shopping. You must be disappointed.”

She laughs and then clutches her back again. “Oof.”

“Another one?”

“No, I think I just pulled a muscle from laughing.”

She looks exquisite. Pregnancy has never looked better on anyone. I place a hand on her fully round belly and close my eyes.

“I just want to meet our baby.”

“Me too. I just want to know what we’re having.”

“You still set on a girl?”

“It’s just a feeling I have. I don’t know. It just doesn’t feel like a boy.”

“And you’d know. You’ve been getting to know her for a long time.”

Ellie and I decided to be surprised when it came to the gender. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but then it just got annoying when it came to buying baby clothes and decorating the nursery. We ended up just buying everything gender neutral.

“Let’s go for a walk outside,” Ellie states. “I don’t want to just sit inside and wait around.”

As soon as she stands up, a rush of liquid hits the floor at her feet.

“Okay, I’m definitely going into labor. My water just broke.”