When I reach the altar, Cedrick takes both of my hands in his. I notice his eyes shining, holding back tears of his own. I smile, and he winks, before the royal officiant begins speaking.

“Today, Solvaria will not only celebrate the joining of these two wonderful people, but the ascension of Princess Eleanora.”

He goes on to say a few more traditional things. Cedrick and I just stare at each other, wearing matching smiles on our faces.

“You may now say your vows, Cedrick.”

Cedrick clears his throat before beginning.

“Ellie, it is with great pride that I stand here with you today. You have made me the happiest man in the world. You have made my dreams come true in ways that I never thought possible.

“I’m so glad that I met you when we were kids, because we come from the same place. But nothing compares to falling in love with you as an adult. I cannot wait for us to meet our child.

“I know that being a parent with you will be the most fulfilling, rewarding thing I’ve ever experienced. I know that, because being in partnership with you has been the greatest experience of my life. I vow to be the best father and husband I can be. I vow to always try to be the father and husband you and our child deserve.”

Tears slide down my cheeks. I try my best to hold back more so that I’ll be able to say my own vows without sobbing. Cedrick reaches out and wipes a tear off my cheek, giving me an encouraging smile.

“And your vows, Eleanora.”

“Cedrick. My darling Ricky. The first and only man I’ve ever loved.

“This is the last place I expected my life to end up. It’s so much better than I ever could have imagined.

“You’ve taught me so many things and shown me so many of life’s joys. I’ve never been this happy. I didn’t know happiness like this existed until I met you.

“I vow to stand by your side for the rest of our lives, no matter what. I vow to love you forever and to be there for you, for our children, and for people around the world in need. Together, I know I can accomplish anything.”

After a few more words that I drown out as I stare at Cedrick’s lips, awaiting that moment I’ve been dreaming of all day, the officiant declares us husband and wife, and he bestows my official title.

“You may now ki?—”

Before he can even finish, Cedrick and I are molded together. I kiss him passionately, a fire deep inside of me igniting the heat of the kiss.

He’s mine. He’s really, truly mine. No more pretending, no more hiding. We’re together now, and nothing is going to change that, ever.

We pull away with huge smiles, and lipstick smeared on his lips, and we turn to the crowd, holding hands. Everyone cheers, and flowers are thrown up into the air.

Cedrick and I begin running down the aisle, laughing and waving at people as we go. It’s the happiest moment of my life. And I know with Cedrick I’ll have so many more. I’ve never felt as free and as loved as I feel right now.

When we reach the end, we’re ushered back into the palace, where there’s a room for each of us to change before making our entrance at the reception.

Once we’re alone inside the center vestibule of the private space, I throw myself into his arms. We have about twenty minutes to change, but I’m pretty sure at least ten of them will be spent like this. Maybe nineteen.

“You look so beautiful,” he whispers.

“Thank you,” I say, angling my head so I can look up at him. “I wish we could just stay like this.”

“I know. But we have our whole lives. We should give the people what they want.”

“Really?” I’m grinning. We’ve both gotten to like official duties better, knowing we have each other by our side, and we have each other to remind us what really matters.

“It’ll be fun. And just think…the sooner we get out there, the sooner we can have cake.”

“Ooh, cake! I almost forgot about that part!”

“Oh, yes. And I saw the cake earlier. It looks delicious.”

I sigh and pull away.