“All I want is to be yours forever. And to declare it over and over, as much as I can, for a lifetime.”
Tears stream down her face. “Yes. Of course I’ll marry you again.”
I slip the ring on her finger, stand up, swoop her up in my arms and kiss her fervently as everyone stands, crying, and cheers us on.
Istare at my bump in the mirror, a smile spreading across my face as I rub a hand over it. Even in my ballgown of a wedding dress, you can very obviously tell that I’m pregnant, but I wanted to do it now, when the baby is still inside, and not a crying, pooping mess for everyone to see and hear.
We’re already married, but this one is for real. This is the one in my soul. This is the wedding to the man I love, now that I know he loves me back.
Unlike at my first wedding, I’m not nervous. At least not about Cedrick. The hundreds of people waiting for me outside, on the other hand, is a whole other story.
This wedding is a full royal one, with all members of the royal court in attendance, as well as anyone important to the royal family.
Everyone will know about me. I don’t exactly mind it, but as someone who’s never liked being the center of attention, it’s certainly a new experience for me.
“Your dress is amazing!” Liza squeals as she walks into my private dressing room.
“Thanks! It had to be specially made for me, because of my bump. It took them forever to do.”
The biggest difference between this dress and the one I wore at our first wedding is that this one is anything but simple. It was made to attract attention, to make a statement. It’s so painstakingly beautiful, but the wedding dress of Princess Eleanora Vanecourt, not little Ellie Lawson.
“It should be in a museum. It’s stunning.”
“Alright tell me, has anything gone wrong?”
Another huge difference between this wedding and the first one is we actually had a wedding planner for this one. I’ve stayed out of pretty much everything, letting other people handle it all.
“There was a very small mixup with the flowers, but it was handled before it even became a problem. Everything else has gone perfectly.”
“Good. You need something small to go wrong to know that everything will go right. It’s good luck.”
Someone knocks at the door and pokes their head in.
“We’re ready for you, bride!” Bella says.
I grin, feeling a tad jittery. I’m beyond excited to be reunited with Cedrick again. We decided to stay separated the night before our wedding, so I haven’t seen him since yesterday morning, and the anticipation is killing me.
“You remember your vows?” Liza asks.
“Yes, I’ve got them memorized.”
“Okay, here’s your bouquet, and you know what to do!”
I follow Liza out of the room and through the palace. The wedding is taking place right on the grounds, as well as the reception.
I get deja vu as the music begins playing outside, played by a live string-quartet. Everything feels like I’m reliving the day. The way all of my sisters-in-law filter out, the way I’m left waiting by myself to walk out.
I open the door to walk outside, a wave of fresh air hitting me in the face. The smell of flowers is strong, in a good way. Calming.
The aisle stretches out in front of me, this one five times as long as the one I walked down before. Once Liza is a good distance ahead of me, I begin walking.
As I walk, I smile at every face staring out. When I finally look ahead and see Cedrick patiently waiting for me, tears well in my eyes.
The sight of him standing there in his suit, as handsome as ever, makes me so emotional I can barely hold back the tears. But I manage to save the emotion. I want to say my vows with the sincerity and clarity my husband deserves.