“Oh, dear, I hope everything is okay.”

I’m out the door before I can give an answer. I hope so, too. As I drive to our home, I find Thomas’ matter-of-fact chatters soothing. He shows me how things were left, and we gather the security staff to locate her.

I check my phone. There’s a text from Ishmael thanking me for brunch, but nothing from Ellie.

“Where are you, Ellie?”

I climb the stairs up to the far tower, and check the surveillance room.

“This is a lost cause,” I say out loud, as I rewind through footage.

I notice a feminine form leaving through a side entrance, dressed casually in sunglasses and a hat.

With some difficulty, I manage to track her through surveillance cameras and cell tower triangulation. It looks like she’s just gone into downtown Virkas, not far from where I am now actually.

She’s fine. I was panicking for nothing.

Thomas gets an incoming message on his intercom as he sits with me in the car. “She’s been spotted in the Verdure Market downtown.”

“Great, I’m on my way there,” I reply back, leaning over.

The market? We have an entire staff for that. I have the sudden realization that my accompanying her into a guest room was too much of an intrusion for her to accept.

How’s she going to react to me following her all around the capital? Maybe it’s for the best. If the relationship is on a collision course, better to get it out of the way now.



Iwalk through the aisles, browsing not only the shelves but the people as well. I miss being normal like them, going to the store whenever I want—going anywhere whenever I want.

I also miss being able to walk around the grocery store without feeling tempted to heave at any given moment from the smell.

Both could be problems that will resolve with time, though. And for all of the changes in my life, Cedrick should know that on the balance I’m so much more grateful for all he’s done for me than resentful.

I’m making him a filet mignon to thank him, with fresh vegetables and homemade bread. Simple but perfect.

“But, Mom, you said I could pick out a snack!”

A little girl tugs on her exhausted mom’s dress, pouting.

“Yes sweetie, I know. But you’re allergic to peanuts, so you can’t get that one.”

The little girl sobs, unable to understand. I can’t believe I’m smiling at the sight instead of looking on with dread, but something about it makes me eager to be a mom. I love the idea of having a daughter, even one who’s driving me crazy.

My smile lingers as I leave the aisle, heading towards the meat and seafood section. I’ve already picked up my butternut squash, fresh greens, and ingredients for bread. Now all I need is steak and herbs.

Everything else I’m sure Cedrick already has in his kitchen.

I approach the meat section, examining the packages until I find a perfect size for each of us. Large for me, small for him. Thank God my morning sickness hasn’t reared its head today, even though I’ve thought it might a few times.

“Excuse me, Miss, would you like to try my samples today?”

My thoughts are interrupted by an elderly woman standing behind a cart with multiple types of cubed cheese on display. My mouth waters just looking at them.

“I’d love to,” I say, shooting her a smile. “How are you today?”

“Oh, I’m wonderful. Thank you for asking. Here, try these three, they’re my favorites.”