The feeling only gets worse, and something tells me that I have only seconds to get to the bathroom. I cover my mouth, trying to hold it back as best as I can as I run to the toilet. Luckily, I make it with seconds to spare before hurling into the porcelain bowl.
“Fuck!” I mutter once I’ve finished, tears rolling down my cheek from the retching.
This is not how I wanted to start the day. I was really hoping yesterday’s morning sickness was a one-time thing. It’s only been three days since finding out I’m pregnant, and already it begins.
“Ellie? Are you okay?”
“Don’t come in!” I shout, swinging the bathroom door closed.
Cedrick seeing me like this is the last thing I want. I’ll keep that from happening for as long as I possibly can.
“Okay, I won’t! But do you need anything?”
I think for a moment, but all I really need is to be alone right now. Especially as I feel another wave of nausea coming on.
“No, I’m okay. I’ll be out in a minute!”
Thank God his footsteps are receding when my body can’t hold it back any longer.
It takes another ten minutes of this before I feel well enough to stand. Once I do, I immediately grab the toothbrush and get to scrubbing. Then I follow that with a shower and a change of clothes.
Once I’m as refreshed as possible while still feeling like death, I head out of the room and into the kitchen down the hall.
Cedrick’s house is huge, and about as nice as you would expect a Prince’s to be. It feels weird to be surrounded by such wealth all the time, I’m not used to it. Not on this level, at least.
“Good morning!”
I jump at the voice, having not expected him to be in here. He’s sitting at the breakfast nook, a newspaper in hand.
“I’m not sure if I’d call it a good one, but it’s definitely morning.”
“I’m sorry. Morning sickness?”
“Yeah. I think it’s worse today.”
“Can I make you something small to eat? Or are you not hungry?”
I think for a moment. I do feel hungry, but I’m not sure if eating something is the right idea.
“I think I’m okay for now. But I’ll make myself a cup of peppermint tea. That should help.”
“Let me make it for you. You should sit.”
“I can do it myself.”
“No, really, I insist.”
“Cedrick, I’m fine. Honestly. I can do it myself. Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I’m helpless.”
I can tell by the look on his face that it came out harsher than I intended. He nods and goes back to his paper.
As I prepare my tea, I find myself wishing that I could take it back. But he barely seems bothered as he brings his mug to his mouth.
Once my tea is done, I take my cup and begin walking out of the room.
“I think I’ll take it easy today. I’ll be in the library down the hall.”
“Okay. Just let me know if you need anything.”