“I'm sure today has been a bit of a scare. But I have some good news.” He pauses dramatically, and we look at him, waiting for him to speak. “Ellie, my dear. You’re pregnant.”

The world screeches to a stop as the words begin to register.

Ellie looks like she’s been brought back from the brink by defibrillator paddles.

How the hell am I supposed to react after everything happening? And so much uncertainty? And such strong feelings for Ellie?

“I don't believe it,” Ellie says.

A smile spreads on her lips. She dabs her fingers on her eyes, but they overflow.

“We did it.” I graze her cheek with one hand while my other one finds hers and grips her fingers.

Her grip on me is deathly. Surprisingly strong for someone who was passed out moments ago.

“No wonder I’ve felt so terrible. It makes sense, but it never clicked. I stopped taking the tests because I was too demoralized seeing them come up negative.”

I wish she would have told me she wasn’t feeling well.

“Well, now we know why, I guess,” I respond.

Her smile drops a notch as she catches the edge in my tone. She lets her fingers slip from mine. A shadow of sadness passes over her face. I see the same fears and uncertainties I feel written across it.

The doctor senses our expressions. “Naturally, you'll have a lot of questions as new parents. Even health professionals like you will find it's very different on the patient end of things.” He gives a small laugh.

Oh, I definitely have a lot of questions. Chief amongst them is how much will pregnancy complicate our already complicated scenario. The doctor seems to read my mind.

“Dad, you now have one job. And that’s to take care of Mom.”

I move closer to her and reach for her hand so we look like a united front. My first chance to practice the advice the doctor just gave me. At the same moment, she puts that very hand on her belly.

I hope it’s not a sign.

The door bursts open, and I’m grateful for the interruption in the awkwardness. But then my brothers and their wives pile in, and I know the awkwardness is just beginning.

“What are you all doing here?” I ask, genuinely shocked.

“We wanted to make sure you were doing okay, Ellie, after you collapsed. Are you feeling better?” It’s Vivienne, Caesar’s wife, who was at the event.

“A little. Especially since we know the reason I was feeling so faint.”

The room gives questioning looks, and Ellie and I both smile. She answers by putting her hand to her belly, and I proudly gesture toward the now-invisible bump that could start showing before we know it.

My sisters-in-law all erupt in squeals, and my brothers give me grins and thumbs-up.

“Welcome to Team Parenthood, bro,” Ishmael says with a clap on the back.

Everyone follows with hugs and congratulations. I'm amazed at how fast the news has spread.

“Thank you for the warm welcome.” I smile as Liza pats my shoulder.

But inside I'm not so confident. I’m exuberant, sure. But now I’m beset with even more uncertainty. Will this bring us closer or further apart?



As soon as I wake up, I know something is wrong. When I lift my head up, the whole room seems to move with me. It almost feels like I’m on a boat or something.