I take my own sip of wine as she fiddles with it and music begins filling the room.

“Do you think this was your father’s doing?”

“Absolutely. No detail goes unnoticed. And he likes taking an active role in his sons’ love lives as you know.”

“Right. He’s the reason we’re here, I suppose. No?” She spins around, dancing to the music, and it’s impossible not to join in.

I set down my glass and start dancing my way toward her. She throws her head back, laughing at my silly moves.

“He is, but that isn’t why we’re here. He couldn’t have made us do anything we didn’t want to do.”

I look her in the eyes as I say this, grabbing her by the waist and picking her up, spinning her around in a circle.

She laughs again, a little breathier this time, but her eyes are serious as I set her back down.

“You’re right, he couldn’t.”

She attempts to spin me, but with our five-inch height difference, it just looks ridiculous. She begins spinning around with her arms stretched out, closing her eyes and losing herself in the music. She looks happy, and it makes me even happier just to see that.

This is the most carefree I’ve ever seen her in the short time I’ve known her as an adult. Maybe it’s just the wine, but I’m choosing to believe that isn’t all there is to it. I’m choosing to believe that it’s more.

I join her, making a fool of myself with moves that would make even the worst dancer cringe. But it makes her laugh, and I’ll do anything to hear that sound over and over again.

Ellie starts moving toward me, but she seems to trip over her dress and begins to fall forward. I stick my arms out and catch her just before she hits the floor, but my own balance is not that great after all that dancing, so we both end up falling. Luckily, the bed is right next to us, breaking what would’ve been a devastating crash.

“Oh, my God, I’m so sorry! I swear I’m not that drunk, I’m just clumsy.”

“It’s okay. You’re fine. You’re in a dress that weighs about twenty pounds, after all.”

The two of us take the moment to get a much-needed break, catching our breath as we lie on our backs in the bed. After a couple minutes, I turn toward her.

“Tonight was amazing, Ellie.”

She stares at me, but her eyes are not on mine. They’re trained on my mouth, and I’m not even sure she realizes it.

I feel my chest heat up, like my heart is on fire. My hand moves before I can stop it, reaching out and brushing the hair off of her face.

Finally, she makes eye contact, an almost glazed look in her eyes. I feel myself moving, but it isn’t until my lips touch hers that I fully realize it.

The taste of her hits me in an instant, and it’s hard to hold myself back. Especially with the way she’s kissing me. Her lips move with mine in sync. She reaches out and wraps her hand around the back of my neck, pulling me closer.

By the time that I pull away, we’re out of breath once more. I try to ignore the fact that it was the best kiss I’ve ever had in my entire life, because that’s not what this is supposed to be. But when the words come out of her mouth, I know I won’t be able to hold myself back.

“I want you, Cedrick.”



Cedrick’s blue eyes bore into mine.

I reach up to cup his cheek, my thumb grazing his skin. Slowly, he lowers his head. Right before his lips capture mine, he pauses.

"Are you sure, Ellie?" he asks, softly.

“I want my first time to be with my husband. With you.” It’s almost a whisper, it’s so hard to get the words out.

My fingers tighten around his neck as I pull him closer to me, craving the contact.