In two days, I’ll be eating this cake for real with a group of people I barely know, except for Dr. Myrna Shane, my mentor. And we’ll be toasting my marriage.

Two days. Two days.

After that, I will officially be Mrs. Vanecourt. For a year, at least.

I peek out of the window at Cedrick’s family all seated on either side of the aisle, and suddenly it’s hard to breathe. The venue is absolutely stunning, flowers everywhere, every detail planned to perfection despite the short amount of time we had.

It feels completely irrational to be nervous and yet I am. I close the curtains and walk back to the mirror, admiring myself.

The stylists did an amazing job with my hair, which is in a nice updo, with a dainty veil flowing behind me. My dress is simple but elegant. Mermaid style, with lace details and an open back. It’s gorgeous, and it makes me sad that it’ll only get worn once.

A knock sounds at the door, and in walks Liza.

“Oh my goodness, look at you!” She’s beaming, and her upbeat energy makes it hard not to feel instantly happier.

“You like?” I ask, spinning around in a circle for her.

“Are you kidding? You look like a damn queen!”

I giggle, my nerves slowly leaving me.

“Thanks. Just a princess, though.” We both shake our heads. “Cedrick hasn’t seen me yet.”

“The way it should be. His jaw is going to drop when you come down that aisle.”

“The aisle… Oh, God, I had a dream last night that I tripped. What if I trip?”

“Oh, come on, you’re not going to trip. That’s just your brain trying to fuck with you.”

“I had another dream the night before where I was walking down the aisle, and I just kept walking and walking, and it never got any closer.”

“Oh, my God, I’ve had nightmares like that before. But seriously, you’re freaking out over nothing. Neither of those things are going to happen.”

I sigh. “I know, I know.”

Another knock sounds at the door, and the rest of my soon-to-be sisters-in-law spill in.

“Are you ready? You look amazing!” Bella says.

“Thank you! Is it already time?”

“You’ve got a couple of minutes,” Vivienne says, shooting me a reassuring smile. “Cedrick is already out there.”

My stomach drops at hearing that. I make my way back to the window, but Vivienne grabs my arm before I can reach it.

“Uh-uh! No peeking!”


“No! I’ll guard the window if I have to!”

I can tell she’s serious, so I sigh and back away.

“Trust me, you’ll thank me later,” she says.

I take a deep breath, willing my heart to slow its beating down.

“Okay, it’s time! Bella, you’re up first. Then Vivienne, then me,” Liza announces.