Page 43 of Worthy

This gets everyone involved, and the next thing I know, over $2,000 is sitting on the table. Swank reluctantly adds his Benjamin to the pile.

“You’ll each get a dozen shots, six from the high position and six from the low.” Anna hits all the high shots but doesn’t shatter a single disk from the low, whereas Swank hits eight of his targets.

“That was the easiest money I’ve ever made. I got to hand it to you, Anna. You picked up shooting skeet quicker than most. Maybe next year, you’ll be an actual challenge.”

She cocks her head toward Swank, and the corner of her mouth quirks up. “Aiden’s a pretty good teacher, and I feel confident I can beat you if we have one more go. Are you up for it, or are you scared to be beaten by a girl?”

Swank is a sucker for a good challenge, and he doesn’t hesitate. “I’m in, but let’s make this worth more than a few extra bucks in my pocket. How about $5,000? The winner takes all. It’s time for you to put your money where your mouth is, Anna.”

Anna’s eyes open as big as saucers, “Wow, that’s a lot!”

I kiss her cheek, “I have every confidence in you, Baby. I’ll cover the wager.”

Swank raises an eyebrow, “I can’t take your money, Bro!”

“Then how about this? I’ll put in the $5,000, and you do the same. The winner will pick a charity to receive the funds. This way, everyone wins, and it’s all in good fun. Anna, do you want first pick of the guns or to shoot first?”

“I’ll take guns for $200, Alex,” she teases. Swank is all smiles, but it quickly disappears when she picks up the Krieghoff K-80 Parcours X—a championship-level 12-gauge shotgun with a 32" barrel.

Swank picks up the Beretta A-300 and offers it to her, “This is a much better gun that’s suited for a girl. I’ll trade you.”

She loads the Krieghoff like a pro who has done it a thousand times before. “I’m good. You’re up, Swank.”

Swank steps on the platform and quickly destroys three of the first four targets. Smirking, he tells Anna, “That’s going to be hard to beat.”

She swaps places with him and winks, “But not impossible.” She gets into her stance, which is far more professional than the one she had been using. “PULL!”

Anna hits one target after another, decimating all four. The team starts laughing raucously while Swank’s face drains of color. They go back and forth, but Anna outclasses Swank, hitting every single one of her targets, while Swank manages to hit nine.

Swank faces me, looking forlorn. “I just got played, didn’t I?”

Deacon walks by, still amused by the situation, “Like a fiddle, Buddy. Like a fiddle.”

Chapter twenty-two


When I get up at 6:00 am, Aiden is already gone. He had to leave early this morning to catch the private jet the team uses for their away games. Roger, Scott, Jeremy, and Jack went with him. All of them, including Aiden, were outfitted with undetectable lightweight body armor. The three bodyguards who are not part of Shining Knight were temporarily issued our standard equipment issue of modified weapons that use non-lethal rounds, communication devices, and now the rings.

Jerry and Jessie stayed behind to help me guard Penny, who still hasn’t figured out that I’m much more than her nanny.

Jerry is the first to enter the kitchen, which amazes me since he went to bed well after midnight. He’s wearing black-framed glasses, draw-string flannel pajama bottoms, and a wrinkled black T-shirt with his white hair sticking out wildly in all directions. I finish setting up a buffet-style breakfast with Georgia Peach Pancakes and homemade whipped cream for people to serve themselves as they trickle in.

“You’re up awfully early. Coffee?” I don’t wait for him to answer. I pour him a mug and place it in front of him, along with a plate of pancakes in appreciation for his late-night efforts.

“Awful is right. Thanks,” he grunts out. “When is someone going to invent a portable IV to mainline caffeine? These late nights are rough, and a machine like that would come in really handy right about now.”

I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze gently, “Thank you for staying up and getting the extra cameras installed. I also appreciate you guys for including Scott, Jeremy, and Jack by bringing them up to speed. I know they’re grateful for all the extra goodies. I’m thinking about introducing them to Ethan and Ben. You haven’t met David yet, but they’re all really good guys and would fit right in at Shining Knight.”

Jerry pats my hand, “Someone is in an exceptionally good mood.”

“That’s because she’s in luh-uv,” Jessie sing-songs as she enters the room, heading straight for the coffee pot and buffet.

I refill my mug and follow her to the table, remaining silent. Jerry arches an eyebrow in my direction when I don’t refute Jessie’s comment.

Jessie smacks her hands against the table, “Oh. My. Goodness! Our little girl has finally grown up and met the man of her dreams!”

Jerry takes another sip and glances at Jessie, “Don’t worry, Dear. I’ve got my shotgun primed for any man not good enough for Savannah.”